ccrraasshhrreeppoorrtteerrdd - crash detection and panic logging daemon
ccrraasshhrreeppoorrtteerrdd is the daemon responsible for detecting application crashes. ccrraasshhrreeppoorrtteerrdd listens for mach exceptions and when it detects a mach exception launches ccrraasshhdduummpp to investigate the crash and report it to the user. ccrraasshhrreeppoorrtteerrdd is also responsible for writing panic information to /Library/Logs/panic.log when the system is rebooted after a panic. ccrraasshhrreeppoorrtteerrdd should only be started at boot time by the CrashReporterstartup item - killing or restarting ccrraasshhrreeppoorrtteerrdd at any other time
will lead to upredictable behavior when an application crashes. Adminis-
trators can edit the CRASHREPORTER entry in /etc/hostconfig to prevent ccrraasshhrreeppoorrtteerrdd from starting at boot time. FILES/usr/libexec/crashreporterd daemon
/System/Library/StartupItems/CrashReporter/ startup item /etc/hostconfig configuration /Library/Logs/panic.log panic logSEE ALSO
crashdump(8) Darwin September 7, 2004 Darwin