Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man cpio

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man cpio

CPIO(1) BSD General Commands Manual CPIO(1)


ccppiioo - copy file archives in and out


ccppiioo -oo [-aaAABBccLLvvzzZZ] [-CC bytes] [-FF archive] [-HH format] [-OO archive] <

name-list [> archive]

ccppiioo -ii [-bbBBccddffmmrrssSSttuuvvzzZZ66] [-CC bytes] [-EE file] [-FF archive] [-HH format]

[-II archive] [pattern ...] [< archive]

ccppiioo -pp [-aaddllLLmmuuvv] destination-directory < name-list


The ccppiioo command copies files to and from a ccppiioo archive. The following options are supported:

-oo Create an archive. Reads the list of files to store in the

archive from standard input, and writes the archive on stan-

dard output.

-aa Reset the access times on files that has been

copied to the archive.

-AA Append to the specified archive.

-BB Set block size of output to 5120 bytes.

-cc Use ASCII format for ccppiioo header for portability.

-CC bytes Set the block size of output to bytes.

-FF archive

-OO archive Use the specified file name as the archive to

write to.

-HH format Write the archive in the specified format. Rec-

ognized formats are:

bcpio Old binary cpio format.

cpio Old octal character cpio format.


SVR4 hex cpio format.

tar Old tar format. ustar POSIX ustar format.

-LL Follow symbolic links.

-vv Be verbose about operations. List filenames as

they are written to the archive.

-zz Compress archive using gzip(1) format.

-ZZ Compress archive using compress(1) format.

-ii Restore files from an archive. Reads the archive file from

standard input and extracts files matching the patterns that were specified on the command line.

-bb Do byte- and word swapping after reading in data

from the archive, for restoring archives created on systems with different byte order.

-BB Set the block size of the archive being read to

5120 bytes.

-cc Expect the archive headers to be in ASCII format.

-CC bytes Read archive written with a blocksize of bytes.

-dd Create any intermediate directories as needed

during restore.

-EE file Read list of file name patters to extract or list

from file.

-ff Restore all files except those matching the

patterns given on the command line.

-FF archive

-II archive Use the specified file as the input for the ar-


-HH format Read an archive of the specified format. Recog-

nized formats are:

bcpio Old binary cpio format.

cpio Old octal character cpio format.


SVR4 hex cpio format.

tar Old tar format. ustar POSIX ustar format.

-mm Restore modification times on files.

-rr Rename restored files interactively.

-ss Swap bytes after reading data from the archive.

-SS Swap words after reading data from the archive.

-tt Only list the contents of the archive, no files

or directories will be created.

-uu Overwrite files even when the file in the archive

is older than the one that will be overwritten.

-vv Be verbose about operations. List filenames as

they are copied in from the archive.

-zz Uncompress archive using gzip(1) format.

-ZZ Uncompress archive using compress(1) format.

-66 Process old-style cpio format archives.

-pp Copy files from one location to another in a single pass.

The list of files to copy are read from standard in and writ-

ten out to a directory relative to the specified directory argument.

-aa Reset the access times on files that has been


-dd Create any intermediate directories as needed to

write the files at the new location.

-ll When possible, link files rather than creating an

extra copy.

-LL Follow symbolic links.

-mm Restore modification times on files.

-uu Overwrite files even when the original file being

copied is older than the one that will be over-


-vv Be verbose about operations. List filenames as

they are copied. EERRRROORRSS ccppiioo will exit with one of the following values: 0 All files were processed successfully. 1 An error occured. Whenever ccppiioo cannot create a file or a link when extracting an archive or cannot find a file while writing an archive, or cannot preserve the

user ID, group ID, file mode or access and modification times when the -pp

options is specified, a diagnostic message is written to standard error

and a non-zero exit value will be returned, but processing will continue.

In the case where ccppiioo cannot create a link to a file, ccppiioo will not cre-

ate a second copy of the file. If the extraction of a file from an archive is prematurely terminated by a signal or error, ccppiioo may have only partially extracted the file the

user wanted. Additionally, the file modes of extracted files and direc-

tories may have incorrect file bits, and the modification and access times may be wrong. If the creation of an archive is prematurely terminated by a signal or error, ccppiioo may have only partially created the archive which may violate the specific archive format specification.


pax(1), tar(1)


The -ss and -SS options are currently not implemented.

AUTHOR Keith Muller at the University of California, San Diego BSD February 16, 1997 BSD

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