Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man core

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man core

CORE(5) BSD File Formats Manual CORE(5)


ccoorree - memory image file format


##iinncclluuddee <>


A small number of signals which cause abnormal termination of a process

also cause a record of the process's in-core state to be written to disk

for later examination by one of the available debuggers. (See sigaction(2).) This memory image is written to a file named by default ccoorree..ppiidd in the //ccoorreess directory; provided the terminated process had write permission in the directory, and the directory existed.

The maximum size of a core file is limited by setrlimit(2). Files which

would be larger than the limit are not created.

The core file consists of the ~ Mach-O(5) header as described in the

file. The remainder of the core file consists of vari-

ous sections described in the Mach-O(5) header.


Core dumps are disabled by default under Darwin/Mac OS X. To re-enable

core dumps, a privlaged user must edit /etc/hostconfig to contain the




gdb(1), setrlimit(2), sigaction(2), Mach-O(5), sysctl(8)

HISTORY A ccoorree file format appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX. BSD March 18, 2002 BSD

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