Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man copyfile_state_get

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man copyfile_state_get

COPYFILE(3) BSD Library Functions Manual COPYFILE(3)


ccooppyyffiillee, ffccooppyyffiillee, ccooppyyffiilleessttaatteeaalllloocc, ccooppyyffiilleessttaatteeffrreeee,

ccooppyyffiilleessttaatteeggeett, ccooppyyffiilleessttaatteesseett - copy a file


Standard C Library (libc, -lc)


##iinncclluuddee <>

int ccooppyyffiillee(const char *from, const char *to, copyfilestatet state, copyfileflagst flags); int ffccooppyyffiillee(int from, int to, copyfilestatet state, copyfileflagst flags); copyfilestatet ccooppyyffiilleessttaatteeaalllloocc(void); int ccooppyyffiilleessttaatteeffrreeee(copyfilestatet state); int ccooppyyffiilleessttaatteeggeett(copyfilestatet state, uint32t flag, void * dst); int ccooppyyffiilleessttaatteesseett(copyfilestatet state, uint32t flag, const void * src);


These functions are used to copy a file's data and/or metadata. (Meta-

data consists of permissions, extended attributes, access control lists, and so forth.) The ccooppyyffiilleessttaatteeaalllloocc() function initializes a copyfilestatet object (which is an opaque data type). This object can be passed to ccooppyyffiillee() and ffccooppyyffiillee(); ccooppyyffiilleessttaatteeggeett() and ccooppyyffiilleessttaatteesseett() can be used to manipulate the state (see below). The ccooppyyffiilleessttaatteeffrreeee() function is used to deallocate the object and its contents. The ccooppyyffiillee() function can copy the named from file to the named to

file; the ffccooppyyffiillee() function does the same, but using the file descrip-

tors of already-opened files. If the state parameter is the return value

from ccooppyyffiilleessttaatteeaalllloocc(), then ccooppyyffiillee() and ffccooppyyffiillee() will use the information from the state object; if it is NULL, then both functions will work normally, but less control will be available to the caller. The flags parameter controls which contents are copied: COPYFILEACL Copy the source file's access control lists.

COPYFILESTAT Copy the source file's POSIX information (mode, modifica-

tion time, etc.). COPYFILEXATTR Copy the source file's extended attributes. COPYFILEDATA Copy the source file's data.

These values may be or'd together; several convenience macros are pro-

vided: COPYFILESECURITY Copy the source file's POSIX and ACL information; equivalent to (COPYFILESTAT|COPYFILEACL). COPYFILEMETADATA Copy the metadata; equivalent to (COPYFILESECURITY|COPYFILEXATTR). COPYFILEALL Copy the entire file; equivalent to (COPYFILEMETADATA|COPYFILEDATA). The ccooppyyffiillee() and ffccooppyyffiillee() functions can also have their behavior modified by the following flags:

COPYFILECHECK Return a bitmask (corresponding to the flags argu-

ment) indicating which contents would be copied; no data are actually copied. (E.g., if flags was set to COPYFILECHECK|COPYFILEMETADATA, and the from file had extended attributes but no ACLs, the return value would be COPYFILEXATTR .)

COPYFILEPACK Serialize the from file. The to file is an Apple-

Double-format file.

COPYFILEUNPACK Unserialize the from file. The from file is an

AppleDouble-format file; the to file will have the

extended attributes, ACLs, resource fork, and FinderInfo data from the to file, regardless of the flags argument passed in. COPYFILEEXCL Fail if the to file already exists. (This is only applicable for the ccooppyyffiillee() function.) COPYFILENOFOLLOWSRC Do not follow the from file, if it is a symbolic link. (This is only applicable for the ccooppyyffiillee() function.) COPYFILENOFOLLOWDST Do not follow the to file, if it is a symbolic link. (This is only applicable for the ccooppyyffiillee() function.) COPYFILEMOVE Unlink (remove) the from file. (This is only applicable for the ccooppyyffiillee() function.) COPYFILEUNLINK Unlink the to file before starting. (This is only applicable for the ccooppyyffiillee() function.) COPYFILENOFOLLOW This is a convenience macro, equivalent to (COPYFILENOFOLLOWDST|COPYFILENOFOLLOWSRC). The ccooppyyffiilleessttaatteeggeett() and ccooppyyffiilleessttaatteesseett() functions can be used to manipulate the copyfilestatet object returned by ccooppyyffiilleessttaatteeaalllloocc(). In both functions, the dst parameter's type depends on the flag parameter that is passed in. COPYFILESTATESRCFD COPYFILESTATEDSTFD Get or set the file descriptor associated with the source (or destination) file. If this has not been initialized yet, the value

will be -2. The dst (for

ccooppyyffiilleessttaatteeggeett()) and src (for

ccooppyyffiilleessttaatteesseett()) parameters are point-

ers to int.


COPYFILESTATEDSTFILENAME Get or set the filename associated with the

source (or destination) file. If it has not been initialized yet, the value will be NULL. For ccooppyyffiilleessttaatteesseett(), the src parameter is a pointer to a C string (i.e.,

char* ); ccooppyyffiilleessttaatteesseett() makes a pri-

vate copy of this string. For ccooppyyffiilleessttaatteeggeett() function, the dst parameter is a pointer to a pointer to a C string (i.e., char** ); the returned value is a pointer to the state 's copy, and must not be modified or released. COPYFILESTATEQUARANTINE Get or set the quarantine information with the source file. The src parameter is a pointer to a qtnfilet object (see ). In the case of COPYFILESTATESET, the object is cloned; in the case of COPYFILESTATEGET, the object is simply returned, and it is up to the caller to clone it if desired.


Except when given the COPYFILECHECK flag, ccooppyyffiillee() and ffccooppyyffiillee()

return less than 0 on error, and 0 on success. All of the other func-

tions return 0 on success, and less than 0 on error. EERRRROORRSS ccooppyyffiillee() and ffccooppyyffiillee() will fail if: [EINVAL] Either the from or to parameter was a NULL pointer ( ccooppyyffiillee(),) or a negative number ( ffccooppyyffiillee().) [ENOMEM] A memory allocation failed. [ENOTSUP] The source file was not a directory, symbolic link, or regular file. In addition, both functions may set errno via an underlying library or system call. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS /* Initialize a state variable */ copyfilestatet s; s = copyfilestatealloc(); /* Copy the data and extended attributes of one file to another */ copyfile("/tmp/f1", "/tmp/f2", s, COPYFILEDATA | COPYFILEXATTR); /* Convert a file to an AppleDouble file for serialization */ copyfile("/tmp/f2", "/tmp/tmpfile", NULL, COPYFILEALL | COPYFILEPACK); /* Release the state variable */ copyfilestatefree(s); /* A more complex way to call copyfile() */ s = copyfilestatealloc();

copyfilestateset(s, COPYFILESTATESRCFILENAME, "/tmp/foo");

/* One of src or dst must be set... rest can come from the state */ copyfile(NULL, "/tmp/bar", s, COPYFILEALL); /* Now copy the same source file to another destination file */ copyfile(NULL, "/tmp/car", s, COPYFILEALL); copyfilestatefree(s);


Both ccooppyyffiillee() functions lack a way to set the input or output block size. HISTORY The ccooppyyffiillee() API was introduced in Mac OS X 10.5. BSD April 27, 2006 BSD

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