control - Procedures for control flow structures.
package require TTccll 88..22 package require ccoonnttrrooll ??00..11..22?? ccoonnttrrooll::::ccoonnttrrooll command option ?arg arg ...? ccoonnttrrooll::::aasssseerrtt expr ?arg arg ...? ccoonnttrrooll::::ddoo body ?option test?ccoonnttrrooll::::nnoo-oopp ?arg arg ...?
The ccoonnttrrooll package provides a variety of commands that provide addi-
tional flow of control structures beyond the built-in ones provided by
Tcl. These are commands that in many programming languages might beconsidered keywords, or a part of the language itself. In Tcl, control
flow structures are just commands like everything else. CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ccoonnttrrooll::::ccoonnttrrooll command option ?arg arg ...?The ccoonnttrrooll command is used as a configuration command for cus-
tomizing the other public commands of the control package. The
command argument names the command to be customized. The set ofvalid option and subsequent arguments are determined by the com-
mand being customized, and are documented with the command. ccoonnttrrooll::::aasssseerrtt expr ?arg arg ...?When disabled, the aasssseerrtt command behaves exactly like the nnoo-oopp
command. When enabled, the aasssseerrtt command evaluates expr as an expression(in the same way that eexxpprr evaluates its argument). If evalua-
tion reveals that expr is not a valid boolean expression(according to [ssttrriinngg iiss bboooolleeaann -ssttrriicctt]), an error is raised.
If expr evaluates to a true boolean value (as recognized by iiff), then aasssseerrtt returns an empty string. Otherwise, the remaining arguments to aasssseerrtt are used to construct a message string. If there are no arguments, the message string is "assertion failed:$expr". If there are arguments, they are joined by jjooiinn to form
the message string. The message string is then appended as anargument to a callback command, and the completed callback com-
mand is evaluated in the global namespace. The aasssseerrtt command can be customized by the ccoonnttrrooll command in two ways: [ccoonnttrrooll::::ccoonnttrrooll aasssseerrtt eennaabblleedd ?boolean?] queries or sets whether ccoonnttrrooll::::aasssseerrtt is enabled. When called without a boolean argument, a boolean value is returned indicating whether the ccoonnttrrooll::::aasssseerrtt command is enabled. When called with a valid boolean value as the boolean argument, the ccoonnttrrooll::::aasssseerrtt command is enabled or disabled to match the argument, and an empty string is returned. [ccoonnttrrooll::::ccoonnttrrooll aasssseerrtt ccaallllbbaacckk ?command?] queries or sets the callback command that will be called by an enabled aasssseerrtt on assertion failure. When called without a command argument, thecurrent callback command is returned. When called with a com-
mand argument, that argument becomes the new assertion failurecallback command. Note that an assertion failure callback com-
mand is always defined, even when aasssseerrtt is disabled. Thedefault callback command is [rreettuurrnn -ccooddee eerrrroorr].
Note that ccoonnttrrooll::::aasssseerrtt has been written so that in combina-
tion with [nnaammeessppaaccee iimmppoorrtt], it is possible to use enabled aasssseerrtt commands in some namespaces and disabled aasssseerrtt commands in other namespaces at the same time. This capability is usefulso that debugging efforts can be independently controlled module
by module.% package require control
% control::control assert enabled 1
% namespace eval one namespace import ::control::assert
% control::control assert enabled 0
% namespace eval two namespace import ::control::assert
% one::assert {1 == 0}
assertion failed: 1 == 0% two::assert {1 == 0}
ccoonnttrrooll::::ddoo body ?option test? The ddoo command evaluates the script body repeatedly until the expression test becomes true or as long as (while) test is true, depending on the value of option being uunnttiill or wwhhiillee. If option and test are omitted the body is evaluated exactly once. After normal completion, ddoo returns an empty string. Exceptionalreturn codes (bbrreeaakk, ccoonnttiinnuuee, eerrrroorr, etc.) during the evalua-
tion of body are handled in the same way the wwhhiillee command han-
dles them, except as noted in LLIIMMIITTAATTIIOONNSS, below.ccoonnttrrooll::::nnoo-oopp ?arg arg ...?
The nnoo-oopp command takes any number of arguments and does noth-
ing. It returns an empty string. LLIIMMIITTAATTIIOONNSSSeveral of the commands provided by the ccoonnttrrooll package accept argu-
ments that are scripts to be evaluated. Due to fundamental limitationsof Tcl's ccaattcchh and rreettuurrnn commands, it is not possible for these com-
mands to properly evaluate the command [rreettuurrnn -ccooddee $$ccooddee] within one
of those script arguments for any value of $code other than ok. In
this way, the commands of the ccoonnttrrooll package are limited as comparedto Tcl's built-in control flow commands (such as iiff, wwhhiillee, etc.) and
those control flow commands that can be provided by packages coded in
C. An example of this difference:% package require control
% proc a {} {while 1 {return -code error a}}
% proc b {} {control::do {return -code error b} while 1}
% catch a
1% catch b
break, continue, expr, if, join, namespace, return, string, while KKEEYYWWOORRDDSSassert, control, do, flow, no-op, structure
control 0.1.2 control(n)