ccoonnffiiggdd - System Configuration Daemon
ccoonnffiiggdd [-bbddvv] [-BB bundleID] [-VV bundleID] [-tt bundle-path]
The ccoonnffiiggdd daemon is responsible for many configuration aspects of the local system. ccoonnffiiggdd maintains data reflecting the desired and current state of the system, provides notifications to applications when this data changes, and hosts a number of configuration agents in the form of loadable bundles.Each configuration agent is responsible for a well-defined aspect of con-
figuration management. The agents look to one or more input sources(preferences, low-level kernel events, ccoonnffiiggdd notifications, etc) and,
through a set of policy modules, interacts with the system to establish the desired operational configuration.Access to the data maintained by ccoonnffiiggdd is via the SystemConfigura-
tion.framework SCDynamicStore APIs. OOPPTTIIOONNSS The command line options are as follows:-bb Don't actually load any bundles.
-BB bundleID
Prevents the loading of the bundle with the specified bundleID.-dd Run ccoonnffiiggdd in the foreground without forking. This is useful for
debugging.-vv Puts ccoonnffiiggdd into verbose mode. Displays debugging information about
bundles as they are being loaded.-VV bundleID
Turns verbose mode on for the bundle with the specified bundleID.-tt bundle-path
Loads only the bundle specified by bundle-path.
BBUUNNDDLLEESSAt the present time, the majority of the configuration agents (or bun-
dles) hosted by ccoonnffiiggdd are used to establish and maintain the network configuration. These agents include: AATTccoonnffiigg This bundle is responsible for establishing and maintaining the AppleTalk network configuration on the system. KKeerrnneellEEvveennttMMoonniittoorr This bundle is responsible for monitoring kernel events and conveying changes to the network state (e.g. link status) to other configuration agents and interested applications. IInntteerrffaacceeNNaammeerr This bundle provides a name to each of the system's network interfaces. The bundle queries the IOKit Registry for a list of network devices attached to the system and gives them BSD style names such as "en0". IIPPCCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn This agent is responsible for establishing and maintaining IPv4 addresses on the system. These addresses may be manually specified in the network preferences or acquired using DHCP (or BOOTP). IIPP66CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn This agent is responsible for establishing and maintaining IPv6 addresses on the system. IIPPMMoonniittoorr This agent is responsible for establishing and maintaining the primary network service, the default route, the active DNS configuration, and the active network proxies on the system. LLiinnkkCCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn This agent is responsible for establishing and maintaining the media type, media options, and MTU for ethernet interfaces. PPrreeffeerreenncceessMMoonniittoorrThis agent is responsible for conveying the network configuration prefer-
ences specified by the administrator to the various configuration agents (AppleTalk, IPv4, IPv6, ...). PPPPPPCCoonnttrroolllleerrThis agent is responsible for establishing and maintaining PPP connec-
tions on the system. FILES /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/ Directory of ccoonnffiiggdd bundles /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ Default directory for system configuration persistent store files. .../preferences.plist System configuration.../NetworkInterfaces.plist Network interface -> BSD inter-
face mappings .../VirtualNetworkInterfaces.plist Virtual network interface (VLAN) configuration EERRRROORRSS Log messages generated by ccoonnffiiggdd and any configuration agents will are sent to the system log daemon by syslog(3). The syslog facility used isLOGDAEMON. If the -dd option is specified, log messages with written to
stdout (or stderr if the priority is greater than LOGNOTICE). SSIIGGNNAALLSS ccoonnffiiggdd was designed to run without any intervention but if you insist on sending a signal to the daemon then the following are available:SIGHUP This signal, typically used to tell a daemon to reload it's con-
figuration, is ignored (there is no configuration). SIGTERM This signal initiates a "graceful" shutdown of the daemon.SEE ALSO
scutil(8), scselect(8) HISTORY The ccoonnffiiggdd daemon appeared in Mac OS X Public Beta. NNOOTTEESSUnless started with the -dd option, ccoonnffiiggdd will register with launchd(8)
such that the daemon will be restarted in the event of a crash. This registration will be removed during "graceful" shutdowns of the daemon. This daemon and its current behavior may change without notice. Do notrely on its existence or its behavior. Consider it an unsupported com-
mand. Mac OS X November 4, 2003 Mac OS X