compileet - tool for generating comerr error tables
ccoommppiilleeeett [ --eettoouutt outdir ] [ --ssttrriinnggssoouutt outstringsdir ] [
--bbaassee tablebase ] [ --mmaannaaggeerr managername ] errortable
compileet is a tool to produce comerr style error code to string map-
pings for use with the comerr errormessage() API. compileet takes the comerr error table file errortable and generates a comerr source and header file for use with adderrortable() and removeerrortable(). It also generates an optional strings file for use with bundled applications. If the contents of the strings file are added to Localizable.strings, then the application does not need to use adderrortable() and removeerrortable(). compileet is intended to be used by Kerberos applications and plugins (eg: KLLoginLogoutNotification and KLPrincipalTranslation plugins). OOPPTTIIOONNSS--eettoouutt outdir
output source, header and strings files to the directory outdir. By default compileet places files in the current working directory.--ssttrriinnggssoouutt outstringsdir
output the strings file to the directory outstringsdir. By default compileet places the strings file in outdir (if it is specified) or the current working directory.--bbaassee tablebase
use tablebase as the error table base name. This is a fourcharacter code which identifies the error table in the error ta-
ble database.--mmaannaaggeerr managername
use managername as the name of the API or component which the error corresponds to.--pprreeffiixx
prints the prefix with which Kerberos was built.--eexxeecc-pprreeffiixx
prints the exec-prefix with which Kerberos was built.
Currently compileet has no support for generating strings files for multiple localizations. Strings files must be manually localized. COMPILEET(1)