Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man checkbutton

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man checkbutton

checkbutton(n) Tk Built-In Commands checkbutton(n)


checkbutton - Create and manipulate checkbutton widgets


cchheecckkbbuuttttoonn pathName ?options? SSTTAANNDDAARRDD OOPPTTIIOONNSS

-aaccttiivveebbaacckkggrroouunndd -ffoonntt -ppaaddyy

-aaccttiivveeffoorreeggrroouunndd -ffoorreeggrroouunndd -rreelliieeff

-aanncchhoorr -hhiigghhlliigghhttbbaacckkggrroouunndd -ttaakkeeffooccuuss

-bbaacckkggrroouunndd -hhiigghhlliigghhttccoolloorr -tteexxtt

-bbiittmmaapp -hhiigghhlliigghhtttthhiicckknneessss -tteexxttvvaarriiaabbllee

-bboorrddeerrwwiiddtthh -iimmaaggee -uunnddeerrlliinnee

-ccuurrssoorr -jjuussttiiffyy -wwrraapplleennggtthh

-ddiissaabblleeddffoorreeggrroouunndd -ppaaddxx

See the ooppttiioonnss manual entry for details on the standard options.


Command-Line Name:-ccoommmmaanndd

Database Name: ccoommmmaanndd Database Class: CCoommmmaanndd

Specifies a Tcl command to associate with the button. This com-

mand is typically invoked when mouse button 1 is released over

the button window. The button's global variable (-vvaarriiaabbllee

option) will be updated before the command is invoked.

Command-Line Name:-hheeiigghhtt

Database Name: hheeiigghhtt Database Class: HHeeiigghhtt

Specifies a desired height for the button. If an image or bit-

map is being displayed in the button then the value is in screen units (i.e. any of the forms acceptable to TTkkGGeettPPiixxeellss); for text it is in lines of text. If this option isn't specified, the button's desired height is computed from the size of the image or bitmap or text being displayed in it.

Command-Line Name:-iinnddiiccaattoorroonn

Database Name: iinnddiiccaattoorrOOnn Database Class: IInnddiiccaattoorrOOnn Specifies whether or not the indicator should be drawn. Must be a proper boolean value. If false, the rreelliieeff option is ignored and the widget's relief is always sunken if the widget is selected and raised otherwise. |

Command-Line Name:-ooffffrreelliieeff |

Database Name: ooffffRReelliieeff | Database Class: OOffffRReelliieeff |

Specifies the relief for the checkbutton when the indicator is |

not drawn and the checkbutton is off. The default value is |

"raised". By setting this option to "flat" and setting -indica- |

toron to false and -overrelief to raised, the effect is achieved |

of having a flat button that raises on mouse-over and which is |

depressed when activated. This is the behavior typically exhib- |

ited by the Bold, Italic, and Underline checkbuttons on the |

toolbar of a word-processor, for example.

Command-Line Name:-ooffffvvaalluuee

Database Name: ooffffVVaalluuee Database Class: VVaalluuee Specifies value to store in the button's associated variable whenever this button is deselected. Defaults to ``0''.

Command-Line Name:-oonnvvaalluuee

Database Name: oonnVVaalluuee Database Class: VVaalluuee Specifies value to store in the button's associated variable whenever this button is selected. Defaults to ``1''. |

Command-Line Name:-oovveerrrreelliieeff |

Database Name: oovveerrRReelliieeff | Database Class: OOvveerrRReelliieeff |

Specifies an alternative relief for the checkbutton, to be used |

when the mouse cursor is over the widget. This option can be |

used to make toolbar buttons, by configuring -rreelliieeff ffllaatt -oovveerr- |

rreelliieeff rraaiisseedd. If the value of this option is the empty string, | then no alternative relief is used when the mouse cursor is over |

the checkbutton. The empty string is the default value.

Command-Line Name:-sseelleeccttccoolloorr

Database Name: sseelleeccttCCoolloorr Database Class: BBaacckkggrroouunndd Specifies a background color to use when the button is selected. If iinnddiiccaattoorrOOnn is true then the color applies to the indicator. Under Windows, this color is used as the background for the indicator regardless of the select state. If iinnddiiccaattoorrOOnn is

false, this color is used as the background for the entire wid-

get, in place of bbaacckkggrroouunndd or aaccttiivveeBBaacckkggrroouunndd, whenever the widget is selected. If specified as an empty string then no special color is used for displaying when the widget is selected.

Command-Line Name:-sseelleeccttiimmaaggee

Database Name: sseelleeccttIImmaaggee Database Class: SSeelleeccttIImmaaggee Specifies an image to display (in place of the iimmaaggee option)

when the checkbutton is selected. This option is ignored unless

the iimmaaggee option has been specified.

Command-Line Name:-ssttaattee

Database Name: ssttaattee Database Class: SSttaattee

Specifies one of three states for the checkbutton: nnoorrmmaall,

aaccttiivvee, or ddiissaabblleedd. In normal state the checkbutton is dis-

played using the ffoorreeggrroouunndd and bbaacckkggrroouunndd options. The active

state is typically used when the pointer is over the checkbut-

ton. In active state the checkbutton is displayed using the

aaccttiivveeFFoorreeggrroouunndd and aaccttiivveeBBaacckkggrroouunndd options. Disabled state

means that the checkbutton should be insensitive: the default

bindings will refuse to activate the widget and will ignore mouse button presses. In this state the ddiissaabblleeddFFoorreeggrroouunndd and

bbaacckkggrroouunndd options determine how the checkbutton is displayed.

Command-Line Name:-vvaarriiaabbllee

Database Name: vvaarriiaabbllee Database Class: VVaarriiaabbllee Specifies name of global variable to set to indicate whether or not this button is selected. Defaults to the name of the button within its parent (i.e. the last element of the button window's path name).

Command-Line Name:-wwiiddtthh

Database Name: wwiiddtthh Database Class: WWiiddtthh Specifies a desired width for the button. If an image or bitmap is being displayed in the button then the value is in screen units (i.e. any of the forms acceptable to TTkkGGeettPPiixxeellss); for text it is in characters. If this option isn't specified, the button's desired width is computed from the size of the image or bitmap or text being displayed in it.


The cchheecckkbbuuttttoonn command creates a new window (given by the pathName

argument) and makes it into a checkbutton widget. Additional options,

described above, may be specified on the command line or in the option

database to configure aspects of the checkbutton such as its colors,

font, text, and initial relief. The cchheecckkbbuuttttoonn command returns its pathName argument. At the time this command is invoked, there must not exist a window named pathName, but pathName's parent must exist.

A checkbutton is a widget that displays a textual string, bitmap or

image and a square called an indicator. If text is displayed, it must all be in a single font, but it can occupy multiple lines on the screen (if it contains newlines or if wrapping occurs because of the

wwrraappLLeennggtthh option) and one of the characters may optionally be under-

lined using the uunnddeerrlliinnee option. A checkbutton has all of the behav-

ior of a simple button, including the following: it can display itself in either of three different ways, according to the ssttaattee option; it can be made to appear raised, sunken, or flat; it can be made to flash; and it invokes a Tcl command whenever mouse button 1 is clicked over

the checkbutton.

In addition, checkbuttons can be selected. If a checkbutton is

selected then the indicator is normally drawn with a selected appear- |

ance, and a Tcl variable associated with the checkbutton is set to a |

particular value (normally 1). Under Unix, the indicator is drawn with | a sunken relief and a special color. Under Windows, the indicator is |

drawn with a check mark inside. If the checkbutton is not selected, |

then the indicator is drawn with a deselected appearance, and the asso- |

ciated variable is set to a different value (typically 0). Under Unix, | the indicator is drawn with a raised relief and no special color. | Under Windows, the indicator is drawn without a check mark inside. By

default, the name of the variable associated with a checkbutton is the

same as the name used to create the checkbutton. The variable name,

and the ``on'' and ``off'' values stored in it, may be modified with options on the command line or in the option database. Configuration options may also be used to modify the way the indicator is displayed

(or whether it is displayed at all). By default a checkbutton is con-

figured to select and deselect itself on alternate button clicks. In

addition, each checkbutton monitors its associated variable and auto-

matically selects and deselects itself when the variables value changes to and from the button's ``on'' value. WWIIDDGGEETT CCOOMMMMAANNDD

The cchheecckkbbuuttttoonn command creates a new Tcl command whose name is path-

Name. This command may be used to invoke various operations on the widget. It has the following general form: pathName option ?arg arg ...? Option and the args determine the exact behavior of the command. The

following commands are possible for checkbutton widgets:

pathName ccggeett option Returns the current value of the configuration option given by option. Option may have any of the values accepted by the cchheecckkbbuuttttoonn command. pathName ccoonnffiigguurree ?option? ?value option value ...? Query or modify the configuration options of the widget. If no

option is specified, returns a list describing all of the avail-

able options for pathName (see TTkkCCoonnffiigguurreeIInnffoo for information on the format of this list). If option is specified with no value, then the command returns a list describing the one named option (this list will be identical to the corresponding sublist of the value returned if no option is specified). If one or

more option-value pairs are specified, then the command modifies

the given widget option(s) to have the given value(s); in this case the command returns an empty string. Option may have any of the values accepted by the cchheecckkbbuuttttoonn command. pathName ddeesseelleecctt

Deselects the checkbutton and sets the associated variable to

its ``off'' value. pathName ffllaasshh

Flashes the checkbutton. This is accomplished by redisplaying

the checkbutton several times, alternating between active and

normal colors. At the end of the flash the checkbutton is left

in the same normal/active state as when the command was invoked.

This command is ignored if the checkbutton's state is ddiissaabblleedd.

pathName iinnvvookkee Does just what would have happened if the user invoked the

checkbutton with the mouse: toggle the selection state of the

button and invoke the Tcl command associated with the checkbut-

ton, if there is one. The return value is the return value from

the Tcl command, or an empty string if there is no command asso-

ciated with the checkbutton. This command is ignored if the

checkbutton's state is ddiissaabblleedd.

pathName sseelleecctt

Selects the checkbutton and sets the associated variable to its

``on'' value. pathName ttooggggllee Toggles the selection state of the button, redisplaying it and modifying its associated variable to reflect the new state. BBIINNDDIINNGGSS

Tk automatically creates class bindings for checkbuttons that give them

the following default behavior: | [1] ||

On Unix systems, a checkbutton activates whenever the mouse |

passes over it and deactivates whenever the mouse leaves the |

checkbutton. On Mac and Windows systems, when mouse button 1 is |

pressed over a checkbutton, the button activates whenever the |

mouse pointer is inside the button, and deactivates whenever the | mouse pointer leaves the button.

[2] When mouse button 1 is pressed over a checkbutton, it is invoked

(its selection state toggles and the command associated with the button is invoked, if there is one). | [3] ||

When a checkbutton has the input focus, the space key causes the |

checkbutton to be invoked. Under Windows, there are additional |

key bindings; plus (+) and equal (=) select the button, and |

minus (-) deselects the button.

If the checkbutton's state is ddiissaabblleedd then none of the above actions

occur: the checkbutton is completely non-responsive.

The behavior of checkbuttons can be changed by defining new bindings

for individual widgets or by redefining the class bindings. KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS

checkbutton, widget

Tk 4.4 checkbutton(n)

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