Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man canvaslabel

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man canvaslabel

canvasLabel(n) canvasLabel class canvasLabel(n)


canvasLabel - tkpiechart canvas label class


package require ssttoooooopp 44..11 package require sswwiittcchheedd 22..22 package require ttkkppiieecchhaarrtt 66..66 ssttoooooopp::::nneeww ccaannvvaassLLaabbeell canvas ?options? sswwiittcchheedd::::ccoonnffiigguurree canvasLabelObject ?options? sswwiittcchheedd::::ccggeett canvasLabelObject option ssttoooooopp::::ddeelleettee canvasLabelObject


The canvasLabel class brings some Tk label widget functionality to the canvas text item, such as a background and a border. The canvasLabel is built with a bullet rectangle on the left side of

the text. The relief changes according to the select state, with a tra-

ditionally sunken relief when selected.

The label has a specific tag, which can be used to retrieve the coordi-

nates of the object or move it, thanks to the canvas facilities. ssttoooooopp::::nneeww ccaannvvaassLLaabbeell canvas ?options? Creates a canvasLabel object in the specified Tk canvas. The

canvasLabel object identifier is returned (referred to as can-

vasLabelObject in this document). sswwiittcchheedd::::ccoonnffiigguurree canvasLabelObject ?options? Configures a canvasLabel object or returns all the options with their current values if no options are passed as parameters. sswwiittcchheedd::::ccggeett canvasLabelObject option Returns an option value for the specified canvasLabel object. ssttoooooopp::::ddeelleettee canvasLabelObject Deletes the specified canvasLabel object. OOPPTTIIOONNSS

-aanncchhoorr value

Specifies the anchor position of the rectangle and the text, relative to the positioning point. The behavior is similar to

the -aanncchhoorr option of the ccaannvvaass text item, except that the rec-

tangle is taken into account. The default is center.

-bbaacckkggrroouunndd color

Specifies the background color of the bullet rectangle, as in

the -ffiillll option of the ccaannvvaass rectangle item. The default is

transparent (empty string).

-bboorrddeerrccoolloorr color

Specifies the border color of the rectangle, as in the -oouuttlliinnee

option of the ccaannvvaass rectangle item. The default is black.

-bboorrddeerrwwiiddtthh value

Specifies the border width of the rectangle, as in the -wwiiddtthh

option of the ccaannvvaass rectangle item. By default, the width is 1 pixel, which is the minimum width.

-bbuulllleettwwiiddtthh value

Specifies the width of the rectangle placed to the left of the text. Defaults to 10.

-ffoonntt value

Specifies the font of the text, as in the -ffoonntt option of the

ccaannvvaass text item. The default is system dependent.

-ffoorreeggrroouunndd color

Specifies the color of the text, as in the -ffiillll option of the

ccaannvvaass text item. The default is black.

-jjuussttiiffyy value

Specifies how to justify the text, as in the -jjuussttiiffyy option of

the ccaannvvaass text item. The default is left.

-mmiinniimmuummwwiiddtthh value

The total label width will not go below the specified value, but may be larger if the label text requires it.

-ppaaddddiinngg value

Specifies how much space to leave between the text and the clos-

est rectangle edge. Units are identical to those specified in the ccaannvvaass COORDINATES manual section.

-ssccaallee list

List of 2 floating point numbers used to set the scaling factor in the x and y axis. Scaling is applied immediately and defaults to 1.

-sseelleecctt boolean

Sets the label state.

-sseelleeccttrreelliieeff value

Either flat, raised or sunken. Specifies the 3D effect desired for the text area when the label is selected.

-ssttiippppllee bitmap

Specifies the stipple pattern filling the rectangle, as in the

-ssttiippppllee option of the ccaannvvaass rectangle item. There is no bitmap

by default.

-tteexxtt text

Specifies the string to be displayed in the text area, as in the

-tteexxtt option of the ccaannvvaass text item. The default is an empty


-tteexxttbbaacckkggrroouunndd color

Specifies the color of the text area background.

-wwiiddtthh value

Specifies a maximum line length for the text, as in the -wwiiddtthh

option of the ccaannvvaass text item. The default is 0. TTAAGGSS The labeler has the following specific tag (see the ccaannvvaass manual page ITEM IDS AND TAGS section for more information): +ocanvasLabel(canvasLabelObject)


pie, pieBoxLabeler, piePeripheralLabeler KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS canvas, labeler, pie, slice COPYRIGHT

Copyright (c) 1995-2004 Jean-Luc Fontaine

tkpiechart 6.6 canvasLabel(n)

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