ccaaccoosshh - complex inverse hyperbolic cosine function
double complex ccaaccoosshh(double complex z); long double complex ccaaccoosshhll(long double complex z); float complex ccaaccoosshhff(float complex z);DESCRIPTION
ccaaccoosshh(z) computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the complex floating-
point number z, with a branch cut on the interval [-inf, 1] along the
real axis.ccaaccoosshh() returns values in a half-strip of the complex plane with posi-
tive real part and imaginary part in the interval [-Pi, Pi].
For all complex floating point numbers z, cacosh(conj(z)) =
SSPPEECCIIAALL VVAALLUUEESSThe conjugate symmetry of cacosh() is used to abbreviate the specifica-
tion of special values.ccaaccoosshh(+-0 + 0i) returns 0 + Pi/2 i.
ccaaccoosshh(x + inf i) returns inf + Pi/2 i, for finite x. ccaaccoosshh(x + NaN i) returns NaN + NaN i, for finite nonzero x.ccaaccoosshh(-inf + yi) returns inf + Pi i, for finite positive-signed y.
ccaaccoosshh(inf + yi) returns inf + 0i, for finite positive-signed y.
ccaaccoosshh(-inf + inf i) returns inf + 3Pi/4 i.
ccaaccoosshh(inf + inf i) returns inf + Pi/4 i.ccaaccoosshh(+-inf + NaN i) returns inf + NaN i.
ccaaccoosshh(NaN + yi) returns NaN + NaN i, for finite y. ccaaccoosshh(NaN + inf i) returns inf + NaN i. ccaaccoosshh(NaN + NaN i) returns NaN + NaN i. NNOOTTEESSSEE ALSO
ccosh(3) complex(3) STANDARDS The ccaaccoosshh() function conforms to ISO/IEC 9899:1999(E). 4th Berkeley Distribution November 9, 2006 4th Berkeley Distribution