Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man build::Wx::build::Utils

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man build::Wx::build::Utils

build::Wx::build::UtilsU(s3e)r Contributed Perl Documentabtuiiolnd::Wx::build::Utils(3)


Wx::build::Utils - utility routines

SSUUBBRROOUUTTIINNEESS xxssddeeppeennddeenncciieess

my %dependencies = xsdependencies( $mmobject, [ 'dir1', 'dir2' ] );

oobbjjffrroommssrrcc my @objfiles = objfromsrc( 'Foo.xs', 'bar.c', 'cpp/bar.cpp' ); Calculates the object file name from the source file name. In scalar context returns the first file. wwrriitteessttrriinngg,, wwrriitteeffiillee

writestring( 'file', $scalar );

writefile( 'file', $scalar );

Like File::Slurp. rreeaaddffiillee

my $string = readfile( 'file' );

lliibbffiillee,, aarrcchhffiillee,, aarrcchhaauuttooffiillee

my $file = libfile( '' ); # blib/lib/ on *nix

my $file = libfile( 'Foo/' ); # blib\lib\Foo\ on Win32

my $file = archautofile( 'My\My.dll' ); # blib\arch\auto\My\My.dll

All input paths must be relative, output paths may be absolute. ppaatthhsseeaarrcchh

my $file = pathsearch( 'foo.exe' );

Searches PATH for the given executable. ffiilleesswwiitthhccoonnssttaannttss my @files = fileswithconstants; Finds files containing constants ffiilleesswwiitthhoovveerrllooaadd my @files = fileswithoverload; Finds files containing overloaded XS/Perl subroutines

perl v5.8.8 2006-10-17 build::Wx::build::Utils(3)

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