Wx::build::MakeMaker - ExtUtils::MakeMaker specialisation for wxPerl
use Wx::build::MakeMaker;wxWriteMakefile( NAME => 'My::Module',
VERSIONFROM => '' ); FFUUNNCCTTIIOONNSS wwxxWWrriitteeMMaakkeeffiillee wxWriteMakefile( arameter => value, ... ); This functions is meant to be used exactly as ExtUtils::MakeMaker::WriteMakefile (see). It accepts all WriteMakefile's parameters, plus: +o WXCORELIB WXCORELIB => 'xrc core base' link libraries from wxWidgets' core or contrib directory. If not spedified, defaults to 'adv html core net base' for compatibility. +o WXLIBWXLIB => '-lxrc'
Link additional libraries from wxWidgets' contrib directory. +o REQUIREWXREQUIREWX => 2.003002 # wxWidgets 2.3.2
Do not build this module if wxWidgets' version is lower than the version specified. +o NOWXPLATFORMS NOWXPLATFORMS => [ 'x11', 'msw' ] Do not build this module on the specified platform(s). +o ONWXPLATFORMs ONWXPLATFORMS => [ 'gtk' ] only build this module on the specified platform(s). PPRRIIVVAATTEE FFUUNNCCTTIIOONNSS These functions are here for reference, do not use them. iissccoorree if( iscore ) { ... } True if it is building the wxPerl core (Wx.dll), false otherwise. iisswwxxPPeerrllttrreeee if( iswxPerltree ) { ... } True if it is building any part of wxPerl, false otherwise. sseetthhooookkppaacckkaaggee Wx::build::MakeMaker::sethookpackage( 'packagename' ); Package to be hooked into the MakeMaker inheritance chain. MMEETTHHOODDSS ggeettaappiiddiirreeccttoorryymy $dir = $cfg->getapidirectory;
ggeettaarrcchhddiirreeccttoorryymy $dir = $cfg->getarchdirectory;
perl v5.8.8 2007-04-17 build::Wx::build::MakeMaker(3)