WWxx::::XXSSPP::::PPaarrsseerr MMEETTHHOODDSS WWxx::::XXSSPP::::PPaarrsseerr::::nneeww(( ffiillee ==>> ppaatthh )) Create a new XS++ parser. WWxx::::XXSSPP::::PPaarrsseerr::::ppaarrssee Parse the file data; returns true on success, false otherwise, on failure "geterrors" will return the list of errors. WWxx::::XXSSPP::::PPaarrsseerr::::ggeettddaattaa Returns a list containing the parsed data. Each item of the list is a subclass of "Wx::XSP::Node" WWxx::::XXSSPP::::PPaarrsseerr::::ggeetteerrrroorrss Returns the parsing errors as an array.
perl v5.8.8 2006-09-24 build::Wx::XSP::Parser(3)