bnmulwords, bnmuladdwords, bnsqrwords, bndivwords, bnaddwords, bnsubwords, bnmulcomba4, bnmulcomba8, bnsqrcomba4, bnsqrcomba8, bncmpwords, bnmulnormal, bnmullownormal, bnmulrecursive, bnmulpartrecursive, bnmullowrecursive, bnmulhigh, bnsqrnormal, bnsqrrecursive, bnexpand, bnwexpand, bnexpand2, bnfixtop, bnchecktop, bnprint,bndump, bnsetmax, bnsethigh, bnsetlow - BIGNUM library internal
BNULONG bnmulwords(BNULONG *rp, BNULONG *ap, int num, BNULONG w); BNULONG bnmuladdwords(BNULONG *rp, BNULONG *ap, int num, BNULONG w); void bnsqrwords(BNULONG *rp, BNULONG *ap, int num); BNULONG bndivwords(BNULONG h, BNULONG l, BNULONG d); BNULONG bnaddwords(BNULONG *rp, BNULONG *ap, BNULONG *bp, int num); BNULONG bnsubwords(BNULONG *rp, BNULONG *ap, BNULONG *bp, int num); void bnmulcomba4(BNULONG *r, BNULONG *a, BNULONG *b); void bnmulcomba8(BNULONG *r, BNULONG *a, BNULONG *b); void bnsqrcomba4(BNULONG *r, BNULONG *a); void bnsqrcomba8(BNULONG *r, BNULONG *a); int bncmpwords(BNULONG *a, BNULONG *b, int n); void bnmulnormal(BNULONG *r, BNULONG *a, int na, BNULONG *b, int nb); void bnmullownormal(BNULONG *r, BNULONG *a, BNULONG *b, int n); void bnmulrecursive(BNULONG *r, BNULONG *a, BNULONG *b, int n2, int dna,int dnb,BNULONG *tmp); void bnmulpartrecursive(BNULONG *r, BNULONG *a, BNULONG *b, int n, int tna,int tnb, BNULONG *tmp); void bnmullowrecursive(BNULONG *r, BNULONG *a, BNULONG *b, int n2, BNULONG *tmp); void bnmulhigh(BNULONG *r, BNULONG *a, BNULONG *b, BNULONG *l, int n2, BNULONG *tmp); void bnsqrnormal(BNULONG *r, BNULONG *a, int n, BNULONG *tmp); void bnsqrrecursive(BNULONG *r, BNULONG *a, int n2, BNULONG *tmp); void mul(BNULONG r, BNULONG a, BNULONG w, BNULONG c); void muladd(BNULONG r, BNULONG a, BNULONG w, BNULONG c); void sqr(BNULONG r0, BNULONG r1, BNULONG a); BIGNUM *bnexpand(BIGNUM *a, int bits); BIGNUM *bnwexpand(BIGNUM *a, int n); BIGNUM *bnexpand2(BIGNUM *a, int n); void bnfixtop(BIGNUM *a); void bnchecktop(BIGNUM *a); void bnprint(BIGNUM *a); void bndump(BNULONG *d, int n); void bnsetmax(BIGNUM *a); void bnsethigh(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *a, int n); void bnsetlow(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *a, int n);DESCRIPTION
This page documents the internal functions used by the OpenSSL BBIIGGNNUUMM implementation. They are described here to facilitate debugging and extending the library. They are not to be used by applications. The BIGNUM structure typedef struct bignumst { int top; /* index of last used d (most significant word) */ BNULONG *d; /* pointer to an array of 'BITS2' bit chunks */ int max; /* size of the d array */ int neg; /* sign */ } BIGNUM; The big number is stored in dd, a malloc()ed array of BBNNUULLOONNGGs, least significant first. A BBNNUULLOONNGG can be either 16, 32 or 64 bits in size (BBIITTSS22), depending on the 'number of bits' specified in "openssl/bn.h". mmaaxx is the size of the dd array that has been allocated. ttoopp is the 'last' entry being used, so for a value of 4, bn.d[0]=4 and nneegg is 1 if the number is negative. When a BBIIGGNNUUMM is 00, the dd field can be NNUULLLL and ttoopp == 00. Various routines in this library require the use of temporary BBIIGGNNUUMM variables during their execution. Since dynamic memory allocation to create BBIIGGNNUUMMs is rather expensive when used in conjunction with repeated subroutine calls, the BBNNCCTTXX structure is used. This structure contains BBNNCCTTXXNNUUMM BBIIGGNNUUMMs, see BNCTXstart(3).LLooww-lleevveell aarriitthhmmeettiicc ooppeerraattiioonnss
These functions are implemented in C and for several platforms in assembly language: bnmulwords(rrpp, aapp, nnuumm, ww) operates on the nnuumm word arrays rrpp and aapp. It computes aapp * ww, places the result in rrpp, and returns the high word (carry). bnmuladdwords(rrpp, aapp, nnuumm, ww) operates on the nnuumm word arrays rrpp and aapp. It computes aapp * ww + rrpp, places the result in rrpp, and returns the high word (carry). bnsqrwords(rrpp, aapp, nn) operates on the nnuumm word array aapp and the 2*nnuummword array aapp. It computes aapp * aapp word-wise, and places the low and
high bytes of the result in rrpp. bndivwords(hh, ll, dd) divides the two word number (hh,ll) by dd and returns the result. bnaddwords(rrpp, aapp, bbpp, nnuumm) operates on the nnuumm word arrays aapp, bbpp and rrpp. It computes aapp + bbpp, places the result in rrpp, and returns the high word (carry). bnsubwords(rrpp, aapp, bbpp, nnuumm) operates on the nnuumm word arrays aapp, bbppand rrpp. It computes aapp - bbpp, places the result in rrpp, and returns the
carry (1 if bbpp > aapp, 0 otherwise). bnmulcomba4(rr, aa, bb) operates on the 4 word arrays aa and bb and the 8 word array rr. It computes aa*bb and places the result in rr. bnmulcomba8(rr, aa, bb) operates on the 8 word arrays aa and bb and the 16 word array rr. It computes aa*bb and places the result in rr. bnsqrcomba4(rr, aa, bb) operates on the 4 word arrays aa and bb and the 8 word array rr. bnsqrcomba8(rr, aa, bb) operates on the 8 word arrays aa and bb and the 16 word array rr. The following functions are implemented in C: bncmpwords(aa, bb, nn) operates on the nn word arrays aa and bb. Itreturns 1, 0 and -1 if aa is greater than, equal and less than bb.
bnmulnormal(rr, aa, nnaa, bb, nnbb) operates on the nnaa word array aa, the nnbb word array bb and the nnaa+nnbb word array rr. It computes aa*bb and places the result in rr. bnmullownormal(rr, aa, bb, nn) operates on the nn word arrays rr, aa and bb. It computes the nn low words of aa*bb and places the result in rr. bnmulrecursive(rr, aa, bb, nn22, ddnnaa, ddnnbb, tt) operates on the word arrays aa and bb of length nn22+ddnnaa and nn22+ddnnbb (ddnnaa and ddnnbb are currently allowed to be 0 or negative) and the 2*nn22 word arrays rr and tt. nn22 must be a power of 2. It computes aa*bb and places the result in rr. bnmulpartrecursive(rr, aa, bb, nn, ttnnaa, ttnnbb, ttmmpp) operates on the word arrays aa and bb of length nn+ttnnaa and nn+ttnnbb and the 4*nn word arrays rr and ttmmpp. bnmullowrecursive(rr, aa, bb, nn22, ttmmpp) operates on the nn22 word arrays rr and ttmmpp and the nn22/2 word arrays aa and bb. bnmulhigh(rr, aa, bb, ll, nn22, ttmmpp) operates on the nn22 word arrays rr, aa, bb and ll (?) and the 3*nn22 word array ttmmpp. BNmul() calls bnmulnormal(), or an optimized implementation if the factors have the same size: bnmulcomba8() is used if they are 8 words long, bnmulrecursive() if they are larger than BBNNMMUULLLLSSIIZZEENNOORRMMAALL and the size is an exact multiple of the word size, and bnmulpartrecursive() for others that are larger than BBNNMMUULLLLSSIIZZEENNOORRMMAALL. bnsqrnormal(rr, aa, nn, ttmmpp) operates on the nn word array aa and the 2*nn word arrays ttmmpp and rr. The implementations use the following macros which, depending on the architecture, may use "long long" C operations or inline assembler. They are defined in "bnlcl.h". mul(rr, aa, ww, cc) computes ww*aa+cc and places the low word of the result in rr and the high word in cc. muladd(rr, aa, ww, cc) computes ww*aa+rr+cc and places the low word of the result in rr and the high word in cc. sqr(rr00, rr11, aa) computes aa*aa and places the low word of the result in rr00 and the high word in rr11. SSiizzee cchhaannggeess bnexpand() ensures that bb has enough space for a bbiittss bit number. bnwexpand() ensures that bb has enough space for an nn word number. If the number has to be expanded, both macros call bnexpand2(), which allocates a new dd array and copies the data. They return NNUULLLL on error, bb otherwise.The bnfixtop() macro reduces aa->>ttoopp to point to the most significant
non-zero word when aa has shrunk.
DDeebbuuggggiinnggbnchecktop() verifies that "((a)->top >= 0 && (a)->top <= (a)->max)".
A violation will cause the program to abort. bnprint() prints aa to stderr. bndump() prints nn words at dd (in reverse order, i.e. most significant word first) to stderr. bnsetmax() makes aa a static number with a mmaaxx of its current size.This is used by bnsetlow() and bnsethigh() to make rr a read-only
BBIIGGNNUUMM that contains the nn low or high words of aa. If BBNNDDEEBBUUGG is not defined, bnchecktop(), bnprint(), bndump() and bnsetmax() are defined as empty macros.SEE ALSO
bn(3)0.9.7l 2002-05-30 bninternal(3)