bison - GNU Project parser generator (yacc replacement)
bbiissoonn [ -bb file-prefix ] [ --ffiillee-pprreeffiixx==file-prefix ] [ -dd ] [
--ddeeffiinneess==defines-file ] [ -gg ] [ --ggrraapphh==graph-file ] [ -kk ] [
--ttookkeenn-ttaabbllee ] [ -ll ] [ --nnoo-lliinneess ] [ -nn ] [ --nnoo-ppaarrsseerr ] [ -oo out-
file ] [ --oouuttppuutt-ffiillee==outfile ] [ -pp prefix ] [ --nnaammee-pprreeffiixx==prefix ]
[ -tt ] [ --ddeebbuugg ] [ -vv ] [ --vveerrbboossee ] [ -VV ] [ --vveerrssiioonn ] [ -yy ] [
--yyaacccc ] [ -hh ] [ --hheellpp ] [ --ffiixxeedd-oouuttppuutt-ffiilleess ] file
yyaacccc [ similar options and operands ]DESCRIPTION
Bison is a parser generator in the style of yacc(1). It should be upwardly compatible with input files designed for yacc. Input files should follow the yacc convention of ending in ..yy. Unlike yacc, the generated files do not have fixed names, but instead use the prefix of the input file. Moreover, if you need to put C++ code in theinput file, you can end his name by a C++-like extension (.ypp or
.y++), then bison will follow your extension to name the output file
(.cpp or .c++). For instance, a grammar description file named ppaarrssee..yyxxxx would produce the generated parser in a file named ppaarrssee..ttaabb..ccxxxx, instead of yacc's or old Bison version's description of the options that can be given to bison is adapted
from the node IInnvvooccaattiioonn in the bbiissoonn..tteexxiinnffoo manual, which should be taken as authoritative.Bison supports both traditional single-letter options and mnemonic long
option names. Long option names are indicated with -- instead of -.
Abbreviations for option names are allowed as long as they are unique.When a long option takes an argument, like --ffiillee-pprreeffiixx, connect the
option name and the argument with ==. OOPPTTIIOONNSS-bb file-prefix
Specify a prefix to use for all bison output file names. The
names are chosen as if the input file were named
Write an extra output file containing macro definitions for the token type names defined in the grammar and the semantic value type YYYYSSTTYYPPEE, as well as a few eexxtteerrnn variable declarations. If the parser output file is named then this file is named name..hh. This output file is essential if you wish to put the definition of yyyylleexx in a separate source file, because yyyylleexx needs to be able to refer to token type codes and the variable yyyyllvvaall.--ddeeffiinneess==defines-file
The behavior of --ddeeffiinneess is the same than -dd option. The only
difference is that it has an optional argument which is the name of the output filename.-gg
Output a VCG definition of the LALR(1) grammar automaton com-
puted by Bison. If the grammar file is ffoooo..yy , the VCG output file will be ffoooo..vvccgg.--ggrraapphh==graph-file
The behavior of --ggrraapphh is the same than -gg option. The only
difference is that it has an optional argument which is the name of the output graph filename.-kk
This switch causes the output to include a list of token names in order by their token numbers; this is defined inthe array yytname. Also generated are #defines for YYNTOKENS,
Don't put any ##lliinnee preprocessor commands in the parser file.
Ordinarily bison puts them in the parser file so that the C com-
piler and debuggers will associate errors with your source file, the grammar file. This option causes them to associate errors with the parser file, treating it an independent source file in its own right.-nn
Do not generate the parser code into the output; generate onlydeclarations. The generated file will have only con-
stant declarations. In addition, a name..aacctt file is generated containing a switch statement body containing all the translated actions.-oo outfile
Specify the name outfile for the parser file. The other output files' names are constructed from outfile asdescribed under the -vv and -dd switches.
-pp prefix
Rename the external symbols used in the parser so that they start with prefix instead of yyyy. The precise list of symbols renamed is yyyyppaarrssee, yyyylleexx, yyyyeerrrroorr, yyyyllvvaall, yyyycchhaarr, and yyyyddeebbuugg.For example, if you use -pp cc, the names become ccppaarrssee, cclleexx, and
so on.-tt
In the parser file, define the macro YYYYDDEEBBUUGG to 1 if it is not already defined, so that the debugging facilities are compiled.-vv
Write an extra output file containing verbose descriptions ofthe parser states and what is done for each type of look-ahead
token in that state. This file also describes all the conflicts, both those resolved by operator precedence and the unresolved ones. The file's name is made by removing or from the parser output file name, and adding ..oouuttppuutt instead. Therefore, if the input file is ffoooo..yy, then the parser file iscalled by default. As a consequence, the verbose out-
put file is called ffoooo..oouuttppuutt.-VV
Print the version number of bison and exit.
--hheellpp Print a summary of the options to bison and exit.
Equivalent to -oo; the parser output file is called, and the other outputs are called yy..oouuttppuutt and yy..ttaabb..hh. The purpose of this switch is to imitate yacc's output file name conventions. Thus, the following shell script can substitute for yacc and is often installed as yacc:bbiissoonn -yy ""$$@@""
yacc(1) The Bison Reference Manual, included as the file bbiissoonn..tteexxiinnffoo in thebison source distribution.
DIAGNOSTICS Self explanatory. local BISON(1)