Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man autoheader

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man autoheader



autoheader - Create a template header for configure


aauuttoohheeaaddeerr [OPTION] ... [TEMPLATE-FILE]


Create a template file of C `#define' statements for `configure' to

use. To this end, scan TEMPLATE-FILE, or `' if present, or

else `'.

-hh, --hheellpp

print this help, then exit

-VV, --vveerrssiioonn

print version number, then exit

-vv, --vveerrbboossee

verbosely report processing

-dd, --ddeebbuugg

don't remove temporary files

-ff, --ffoorrccee

consider all files obsolete

-WW, --wwaarrnniinnggss=CATEGORY

report the warnings falling in CATEGORY WWaarrnniinngg ccaatteeggoorriieess iinncclluuddee:: `cross' cross compilation issues `gnu' GNU coding standards (default in gnu and gnits modes) `obsolete' obsolete features or constructions `override' user redefinitions of Automake rules or variables `portability' portability issues (default in gnu and gnits modes) `syntax' dubious syntactic constructs (default) `unsupported' unsupported or incomplete features (default) `all' all the warnings


turn off warnings in CATEGORY `none' turn off all the warnings `error' treat warnings as errors LLiibbrraarryy ddiirreeccttoorriieess::

-BB, --pprreeppeenndd-iinncclluuddee=DIR

prepend directory DIR to search path

-II, --iinncclluuddee=DIR

append directory DIR to search path AUTHOR Written by Roland McGrath and Akim Demaille.


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COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of the GNU General Public License . There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.


aauuttooccoonnff(1), aauuttoommaakkee(1), aauuttoorreeccoonnff(1), aauuttoouuppddaattee(1), aauuttoohheeaaddeerr(1), aauuttoossccaann(1), ccoonnffiigg..gguueessss(1), ccoonnffiigg..ssuubb(1), iiffnnaammeess(1), gglliibbttooooll(1).

The full documentation for aauuttoohheeaaddeerr is maintained as a Texinfo man-

ual. If the iinnffoo and aauuttoohheeaaddeerr programs are properly installed at your site, the command iinnffoo aauuttoohheeaaddeerr should give you access to the complete manual.

autoheader 2.61 November 2006 AUTOHEADER(1)

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