aauuddiitt - submit a record to the kernel for auditing
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int aauuddiitt(const void * record, int length);> DESCRIPTION
The aauuddiitt() function submits a record to the kernel for inclusion in theglobal audit trail. The record must already be in BSM format. To protect
the integrity of the audit trail, this system call must be made with suf-
ficient privileges. Libbsm can be used to create and manipulate BSM data. Length is the length in bytes of the BSM record and record points to the data.RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion a value of 0 is returned. Otherwise, a valueof -1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error.
EERRRROORRSS The aauuddiitt() system call will fail if: [EINVAL] Length is greater than MAXAUDITRECORDSIZE, less than zero, greater than the internal buffer size, or the record fails verification.[ENOTSUP] The security auditing service is not available.
[EPERM] The call was made with insufficient privileges to com-
plete.SEE ALSO
auditon(2), auditctl(2), getauid(2), setauid(2), getaudit(2), setaudit(2)
HISTORY The aauuddiitt() function call first appeared in Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther). Darwin July 30, 2007 Darwin