Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man atstatus

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man atstatus

atstatus(1) atstatus(1)


aattssttaattuuss - displays status information from an AppleTalk device

SSYYNNOOPPSSYYSS aattssttaattuuss [ object[:type[@zone]] ] AARRGGUUMMEENNTTSS

object Specifies the name of the AppleTalk device. Wildcard charac-

ters are not permitted. If you don't specify the AppleTalk device, aattssttaattuuss uses the system default. If the name contains

spaces, put quotation marks around the name. Here is an exam-


atstatus "Sharon's Print Shop"

type Specifies the type of server. If you don't specify the type argument, the default is LaserWriter. If you supply a zone argument, you must also supply a type argument. zone Specifies the zone in which the AppleTalk device resides. If you don't specify the zone, the system defaults to *, your local zone.


aattssttaattuuss gets the status string from an AppleTalk device, such as a LaserWriter. FILES

/usr/bin/atstatus Executable file


atchoprn(1), atlookup(1), atprint(1)


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