aattssttaattuuss - displays status information from an AppleTalk device
SSYYNNOOPPSSYYSS aattssttaattuuss [ object[:type[@zone]] ] AARRGGUUMMEENNTTSSobject Specifies the name of the AppleTalk device. Wildcard charac-
ters are not permitted. If you don't specify the AppleTalk device, aattssttaattuuss uses the system default. If the name containsspaces, put quotation marks around the name. Here is an exam-
ple:atstatus "Sharon's Print Shop"
type Specifies the type of server. If you don't specify the type argument, the default is LaserWriter. If you supply a zone argument, you must also supply a type argument. zone Specifies the zone in which the AppleTalk device resides. If you don't specify the zone, the system defaults to *, your local zone.DESCRIPTION
aattssttaattuuss gets the status string from an AppleTalk device, such as a LaserWriter. FILES/usr/bin/atstatus Executable file
atchoprn(1), atlookup(1), atprint(1)atstatus(1)