atchoprn - allows you to choose a default printer on the AppleTalk
aattcchhoopprrnn [type[@zone]] AARRGGUUMMEENNTTSS type[@zone] Specifies the type of printer to be used, and the area (zone) in which it resides. If you don't use the type argument on the command line, atchoprn displays all entities of the types LaserWriter and ImageWriter. The system prompts you to select a printer by entering the appropriate number from the printer list display. If you don't enter the zone part of the argument on the command line, atchoprn lists all the zones in the internet and prompts you to choose the zone in which you'd like to select your default printer.DESCRIPTION
The atchoprn command displays a list of printer selections and saves the name of the printer that you select. The atchoprn command checks the network to determine which printers are registered on that network. After you specify the zone, atchoprn lists the printers (of type type) available in that zone. The atchoprn command must be run while the user is logged in as root. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS The command atchoprn 'LaserWriter@*' produces output similar to this:ITEM NET-ADDR OBJECT : TYPE
1: AnnLW:LaserWriter 2: TimLW:LaserWriter ITEM number (0 to make no selection)?where NET-ADDR is the AppleTalk internet address (printed in hexadeci-
mal) of the printer's listener socket, and OBJECT:TYPE is the name of the registered printer and its type. FILES /usr/bin/atchoprn Executable file atchoprn(8)