ant - a Java based make tool.
aanntt [OPTION]... [TARGET [TARGET2] [TARGET3] ...]]
Like mmaakkee, aanntt is a tool that can compile Java projects. But unlike it, aanntt is based on Java which means that it will run on every platformthat has a Java Virtual Machine. This makes it a great tool for build-
ing Java software.By default it takes information from bbuuiilldd..xxmmll which describes the tar-
gets.-hheellpp,, -hh
print help on the command line options-pprroojjeecctthheellpp,, -pp
print project help information-vveerrssiioonn
print the version information and exit-ddiiaaggnnoossttiiccss
print information that might be helpful to diagnose or report problems.-qquuiieett,, -qq
be extra quiet-vveerrbboossee,, -vv
be extra verbose-ddeebbuugg,, -dd
print debugging information-eemmaaccss,, -ee
produce logging information without adornments-llooggffiillee
use given file for log, -ll -llooggggeerr
the class which is to perform logging-lliisstteenneerr
add an instance of class as a project listener-nnooiinnppuutt
do not allow interactive input-bbuuiillddffiillee
use given buildfile, -ffiillee , -ff -DD
use value for given property= -kkeeeepp-ggooiinngg,, -kk
execute all targets that do not depend on failed target(s)-pprrooppeerrttyyffiillee
load all properties from file with -D properties taking prece-
the class which will handle input requests-ffiinndd
(s)earch for buildfile towards the root of the filesystem and use it, -ss -nniiccee number
A niceness value for the main thread: 1 (lowest) to 10 (high-
est); 5 is the default-nnoouusseerrlliibb
Run aanntt without using the jar files from ${user.home}/.ant/lib
Run aanntt without using CLASSPATH-aauuttoopprrooxxyy
Java 1.5+: use the OS proxy settings-mmaaiinn
override aanntt's normal entry pointSEE ALSO
mmaakkee(1) jjaavvaa(1) bbuuiilldd..xxmmll(5)Mac OS X June 22, 2009 ant(1)