Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man addchnstr

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man addchnstr

cursaddchstr(3X) cursaddchstr(3X)


aaddddcchhssttrr, aaddddcchhnnssttrr, wwaaddddcchhssttrr, wwaaddddcchhnnssttrr, mmvvaaddddcchhssttrr, mmvvaaddddcchhnnssttrr,

mmvvwwaaddddcchhssttrr, mmvvwwaaddddcchhnnssttrr - add a string of characters (and attributes)

to a ccuurrsseess window


##iinncclluuddee <>

iinntt aaddddcchhssttrr((ccoonnsstt cchhttyyppee **cchhssttrr));; iinntt aaddddcchhnnssttrr((ccoonnsstt cchhttyyppee **cchhssttrr,, iinntt nn));; iinntt wwaaddddcchhssttrr((WWIINNDDOOWW **wwiinn,, ccoonnsstt cchhttyyppee **cchhssttrr));; iinntt wwaaddddcchhnnssttrr((WWIINNDDOOWW **wwiinn,, ccoonnsstt cchhttyyppee **cchhssttrr,, iinntt nn));; iinntt mmvvaaddddcchhssttrr((iinntt yy,, iinntt xx,, ccoonnsstt cchhttyyppee **cchhssttrr));; iinntt mmvvaaddddcchhnnssttrr((iinntt yy,, iinntt xx,, ccoonnsstt cchhttyyppee **cchhssttrr,, iinntt nn));; iinntt mmvvwwaaddddcchhssttrr((WWIINNDDOOWW **wwiinn,, iinntt yy,, iinntt xx,, ccoonnsstt cchhttyyppee **cchhssttrr));; iinntt mmvvwwaaddddcchhnnssttrr((WWIINNDDOOWW **wwiinn,, iinntt yy,, iinntt xx,, ccoonnsstt cchhttyyppee **cchhssttrr,, iinntt nn));;


These routines copy chstr into the window image structure at and after

the current cursor position. The four routines with n as the last ar-

gument copy at most n elements, but no more than will fit on the line.

If nn=-11 then the whole string is copied, to the maximum number of char-

acters that will fit on the line. The window cursor is not advanced, and these routines work faster than wwaaddddnnssttrr. On the other hand, they do not perform any kind of checking (such as for the newline, backspace, or carriage return characters), they do not advance the current cursor position, they do not expand

other control characters to ^-escapes, and they truncate the string if

it crosses the right margin, rather then wrapping it around to the new line.


All routines return the integer EERRRR upon failure and OOKK on success (the

SVr4 manuals specify only "an integer value other than EERRRR") upon suc-

cessful completion, unless otherwise noted in the preceding routine de-


X/Open does not define any error conditions. This implementation re-

turns an error if the window pointer is null. NNOOTTEESS Note that all routines except wwaaddddcchhnnssttrr may be macros. PPOORRTTAABBIILLIITTYY These entry points are described in the XSI Curses standard, Issue 4.


ccuurrsseess(3X). cursaddchstr(3X)

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