Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man add_wchstr

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man add_wchstr

cursaddwchstr(3X) cursaddwchstr(3X)


aaddddwwcchhssttrr, aaddddwwcchhnnssttrr, wwaaddddwwcchhssttrr, wwaaddddwwcchhnnssttrr, mmvvaaddddwwcchhssttrr,

mmvvaaddddwwcchhnnssttrr, mmvvwwaaddddwwcchhssttrr, mmvvwwaaddddwwcchhnnssttrr - add an array of complex

characters (and attributes) to a curses window


##iinncclluuddee <>

iinntt aaddddwwcchhssttrr((ccoonnsstt cccchhaarrtt **wchstr));; iinntt aaddddwwcchhnnssttrr((ccoonnsstt cccchhaarrtt **wchstr,, iinntt n));; iinntt wwaaddddwwcchhssttrr((WWIINNDDOOWW ** win,, ccoonnsstt cccchhaarrtt **wchstr));; iinntt wwaaddddwwcchhnnssttrr((WWIINNDDOOWW ** win,, ccoonnsstt cccchhaarrtt **wchstr,, iinntt n));; iinntt mmvvaaddddwwcchhssttrr((iinntt y,, iinntt x,, ccoonnsstt cccchhaarrtt **wchstr));; iinntt mmvvaaddddwwcchhnnssttrr((iinntt y,, iinntt x,, ccoonnsstt cccchhaarrtt **wchstr,, iinntt n));; iinntt mmvvwwaaddddwwcchhssttrr((WWIINNDDOOWW **win,, iinntt y,, iinntt x,, ccoonnsstt cccchhaarrtt **wchstr));; iinntt mmvvwwaaddddwwcchhnnssttrr((WWIINNDDOOWW **win,, iinntt y,, iinntt x,, ccoonnsstt cccchhaarrtt **wchstr,, iinntt n));;


These routines copy the array of complex characters wchstr into the window image structure at and after the current cursor position. The four routines with n as the last argument copy at most n elements, but

no more than will fit on the line. If nn=-11 then the whole array is

copied, to the maximum number of characters that will fit on the line. The window cursor is not advanced. These routines work faster than wwaaddddnnssttrr. On the other hand, they do not perform checking (such as for the newline, backspace, or carriage return characters), they do not advance the current cursor position, they do not expand other control

characters to ^-escapes, and they truncate the string if it crosses the

right margin, rather than wrapping it around to the new line. These routines end successfully on encountering a null cchart, or when

they have filled the current line. If a complex character cannot com-

pletely fit at the end of the current line, the remaining columns are filled with the background character and rendition. NNOOTTEESS All functions except wwaaddddwwcchhnnssttrr may be macros.


All routines return the integer EERRRR upon failure and OOKK on success. PPOORRTTAABBIILLIITTYY All these entry points are described in the XSI Curses standard, Issue 4.


ccuurrsseess(3X), ccuurrssaaddddcchhssttrr(3X), ccuurrssaaddddwwssttrr(3X) cursaddwchstr(3X)

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