Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Tk_UnmapWindow

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Tk_UnmapWindow

TkMapWindow(3) Tk Library Procedures TkMapWindow(3)


TkMapWindow, TkUnmapWindow - map or unmap a window


##iinncclluuddee <>

TkWindow TTkkMMaappWWiinnddooww(tkwin) TTkkUUnnmmaappWWiinnddooww(tkwin) AARRGGUUMMEENNTTSS TkWindow tkwin (in) Token for window.


These procedures may be used to map and unmap windows managed by Tk.

TTkkMMaappWWiinnddooww maps the window given by tkwin, and also creates an X win-

dow corresponding to tkwin if it doesn't already exist. See the

TTkkCCrreeaatteeWWiinnddooww manual entry for information on deferred window cre-

ation. TTkkUUnnmmaappWWiinnddooww unmaps tkwin's window from the screen. If tkwin is a child window (i.e. TTkkCCrreeaatteeWWiinnddooww was used to create a child window), then event handlers interested in map and unmap events are invoked immediately. If tkwin isn't an internal window, then the event handlers will be invoked later, after X has seen the request and returned an event for it. These procedures should be used in place of the X procedures XXMMaappWWiinnddooww and XXUUnnmmaappWWiinnddooww, since they update Tk's local data structure for

tkwin. Applications using Tk should not invoke XXMMaappWWiinnddooww and XXUUnnmmaapp-

WWiinnddooww directly. KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS map, unmap, window Tk TkMapWindow(3)

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