Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Tk_SetWindowVisual

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Tk_SetWindowVisual

TkSetWindowVisual(3) Tk Library Procedures TkSetWindowVisual(3)


TkSetWindowVisual - change visual characteristics of window


##iinncclluuddee <>

int TTkkSSeettWWiinnddoowwVViissuuaall(tkwin, visual, depth, colormap) AARRGGUUMMEENNTTSS TkWindow tkwin (in) Token for window. Visual *visual (in) New visual type to use for tkwin. int depth (in) Number of bits per pixel desired for tkwin. Colormap colormap (in) New colormap for tkwin, which must be compatible with visual and depth.


When Tk creates a new window it assigns it the default visual charac-

teristics (visual, depth, and colormap) for its screen. TTkkSSeettWWiinn-

ddoowwVViissuuaall may be called to change them. TTkkSSeettWWiinnddoowwVViissuuaall must be called before the window has actually been created in X (e.g. before TTkkMMaappWWiinnddooww or TTkkMMaakkeeWWiinnddoowwEExxiisstt has been invoked for the window).

The safest thing is to call TTkkSSeettWWiinnddoowwVViissuuaall immediately after call-

ing TTkkCCrreeaatteeWWiinnddooww. If tkwin has already been created before TTkkSSeettWWiinnddoowwVViissuuaall is called then it returns 0 and doesn't make any

changes; otherwise it returns 1 to signify that the operation com-

pleted successfully. Note: TTkkSSeettWWiinnddoowwVViissuuaall should not be called if you just want to change a window's colormap without changing its visual or depth; call TTkkSSeettWWiinnddoowwCCoolloorrmmaapp instead. KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS colormap, depth, visual Tk 4.0 TkSetWindowVisual(3)

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