TkSetClass, TkClass - set or retrieve a window's class
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TTkkSSeettCCllaassss(tkwin, class) TkUid TTkkCCllaassss(tkwin) AARRGGUUMMEENNTTSS TkWindow tkwin (in) Token for window. char *class (in) New class name for window.> DESCRIPTION
TTkkSSeettCCllaassss is called to associate a class with a particular window. The class string identifies the type of the window; all windows with the same general class of behavior (button, menu, etc.) should have the same class. By convention all class names start with a capital letter, and there exists a Tcl command with the same name as each class (exceptall in lower-case) which can be used to create and manipulate windows
of that class. A window's class string is initialized to NULL when the window is created. For main windows, Tk automatically propagates the name and class to the WMCLASS property used by window managers. This happens either when a main window is actually created (e.g. in TTkkMMaakkeeWWiinnddoowwEExxiisstt), or when TTkkSSeettCCllaassss is called, whichever occurs later. If a main window has not been assigned a class then Tk will not set the WMCLASS property for the window. TTkkCCllaassss is a macro that returns the current value of tkwin's class. The value is returned as a TkUid, which may be used just like a string pointer but also has the properties of a unique identifier (see the manual entry for TTkkGGeettUUiidd for details). If tkwin has not yet been given a class, then TTkkCCllaassss will return NULL. KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS class, unique identifier, window, window manager Tk TkSetClass(3)