Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Tk_GetSelection

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Tk_GetSelection

TkGetSelection(3) Tk Library Procedures TkGetSelection(3)


TkGetSelection - retrieve the contents of a selection


##iinncclluuddee <>

int TTkkGGeettSSeelleeccttiioonn(interp, tkwin, selection, target, proc, clientData) AARRGGUUMMEENNTTSS TclInterp *interp (in) Interpreter to use for reporting errors. TkWindow tkwin (in) Window on whose behalf to

retrieve the selection (deter-

mines display from which to retrieve). Atom selection (in) The name of the selection to be retrieved.

Atom target (in) Form in which to retrieve selec-

tion. TkGetSelProc *proc (in) Procedure to invoke to process pieces of the selection as they are retrieved.

ClientData clientData (in) Arbitrary one-word value to pass

to proc.


TTkkGGeettSSeelleeccttiioonn retrieves the selection specified by the atom selection in the format specified by target. The selection may actually be retrieved in several pieces; as each piece is retrieved, proc is called to process the piece. Proc should have arguments and result that match the type TTkkGGeettSSeellPPrroocc: typedef int TkGetSelProc( ClientData clientData, TclInterp *interp, char *portion);

The clientData and interp parameters to proc will be copies of the cor-

responding arguments to TTkkGGeettSSeelleeccttiioonn. Portion will be a pointer to

a string containing part or all of the selection. For large selec-

tions, proc will be called several times with successive portions of

the selection. The X Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual

allows a selection to be returned in formats other than strings, e.g. as an array of atoms or integers. If this happens, Tk converts the selection back into a string before calling proc. If a selection is returned as an array of atoms, Tk converts it to a string containing the atom names separated by white space. For any other format besides

string, Tk converts a selection to a string containing hexadecimal val-

ues separated by white space.

TTkkGGeettSSeelleeccttiioonn returns to its caller when the selection has been com-

pletely retrieved and processed by proc, or when a fatal error has

occurred (e.g. the selection owner didn't respond promptly). TTkkGGeettSSee-

lleeccttiioonn normally returns TCLOK; if an error occurs, it returns

TCLERROR and leaves an error message in interp->result. Proc should

also return either TCLOK or TCLERROR. If proc encounters an error in

dealing with the selection, it should leave an error message in

interp->result and return TCLERROR; this will abort the selection

retrieval. KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS format, get, selection retrieval Tk 4.0 TkGetSelection(3)

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