Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Tk_DrawFocusHighlight

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Tk_DrawFocusHighlight

TkDrawFocusHighlight(3) Tk Library Procedures TkDrawFocusHighlight(3)


TkDrawFocusHighlight - draw the traversal highlight ring for a widget


##iinncclluuddee <>

TTkkDDrraawwFFooccuussHHiigghhlliigghhtt((tkwin, gc, width, drawable)) AARRGGUUMMEENNTTSS TkWindow tkwin (in) Window for which the highlight is being drawn. Used to retrieve the window's dimensions, among other things. GC gc (in) Graphics context to use for drawing the highlight.

int width (in) Width of the highlight ring, in pix-


Drawable drawable (in) Drawable in which to draw the high-

light; usually an offscreen pixmap for double buffering.


TTkkDDrraawwFFooccuussHHiigghhlliigghhtt is a utility procedure that draws the traversal highlight ring for a widget. It is typically invoked by widgets during redisplay. KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS focus, traversal highlight Tk 4.0 TkDrawFocusHighlight(3)

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