TkWindowId, TkParent, TkDisplay, TkDisplayName, TkScreenNumber, TkScreen, TkX, TkY, TkWidth, TkHeight, TkChanges, TkAttributes, TkIsContainer, TkIsEmbedded, TkIsMapped, TkIsTopLevel, TkReqWidth, TkReqHeight, TkMinReqWidth, TkMinReqHeight, TkInternalBorderLeft, TkInternalBorderRight, TkInternalBorderTop, TkInternalBorderBottom,TkVisual, TkDepth, TkColormap - retrieve information from Tk's
local data structureSYNOPSIS
##iinncclluuddee <
Window TTkkWWiinnddoowwIIdd(tkwin) TkWindow TTkkPPaarreenntt(tkwin) Display * TTkkDDiissppllaayy(tkwin) CONST char * TTkkDDiissppllaayyNNaammee(tkwin) int TTkkSSccrreeeennNNuummbbeerr(tkwin) Screen * TTkkSSccrreeeenn(tkwin) int TTkkXX(tkwin) int TTkkYY(tkwin) int TTkkWWiiddtthh(tkwin) int TTkkHHeeiigghhtt(tkwin) XWindowChanges * TTkkCChhaannggeess(tkwin) XSetWindowAttributes * TTkkAAttttrriibbuutteess(tkwin) int TTkkIIssCCoonnttaaiinneerr(tkwin) int TTkkIIssEEmmbbeeddddeedd(tkwin) int TTkkIIssMMaappppeedd(tkwin) int TTkkIIssTTooppLLeevveell(tkwin) int TTkkRReeqqWWiiddtthh(tkwin) int TTkkRReeqqHHeeiigghhtt(tkwin) int TTkkMMiinnRReeqqWWiiddtthh(tkwin) int TTkkMMiinnRReeqqHHeeiigghhtt(tkwin) int TTkkIInntteerrnnaallBBoorrddeerrLLeefftt(tkwin) int TTkkIInntteerrnnaallBBoorrddeerrRRiigghhtt(tkwin) int TTkkIInntteerrnnaallBBoorrddeerrTToopp(tkwin) int TTkkIInntteerrnnaallBBoorrddeerrBBoottttoomm(tkwin) Visual * TTkkVViissuuaall(tkwin) int TTkkDDeepptthh(tkwin) Colormap TTkkCCoolloorrmmaapp(tkwin) AARRGGUUMMEENNTTSS TkWindow tkwin (in) Token for window.> DESCRIPTION
TTkkWWiinnddoowwIIdd and the other names listed above are all macros that return fields from Tk's local data structure for tkwin. None of these macros requires any interaction with the server; it is safe to assume that all are fast. TTkkWWiinnddoowwIIdd returns the X identifier for tkwin, or NNUULLLL if no X window has been created for tkwin yet.TTkkPPaarreenntt returns Tk's token for the logical parent of tkwin. The par-
ent is the token that was specified when tkwin was created, or NULL for main windows.TTkkDDiissppllaayy returns a pointer to the Xlib display structure correspond-
ing to tkwin. TTkkDDiissppllaayyNNaammee returns an ASCII string identifying tkwin's display. TTkkSSccrreeeennNNuummbbeerr returns the index of tkwin's screen among all the screens of tkwin's display. TTkkSSccrreeeenn returns a pointer to the Xlib structure corresponding to tkwin's screen. TTkkXX, TTkkYY, TTkkWWiiddtthh, and TTkkHHeeiigghhtt return information about tkwin's location within its parent and its size. The location informationrefers to the upper-left pixel in the window, or its border if there is
one. The width and height information refers to the interior size of the window, not including any border. TTkkCChhaannggeess returns a pointer to a structure containing all of the above information plus a few other fields. TTkkAAttttrriibbuutteess returns a pointer to an XSetWindowAttributes structure describing all of the attributes of the tkwin's window, such as background pixmap, event mask, and so on (Tk keeps track of all thisinformation as it is changed by the application). Note: it is essen-
tial that applications use Tk procedures like TTkkRReessiizzeeWWiinnddooww insteadof X procedures like XXRReessiizzeeWWiinnddooww, so that Tk can keep its data struc-
tures up-to-date.
TTkkIIssCCoonnttaaiinneerr returns a non-zero value if tkwin is a container, and
that some other application may be embedding itself inside tkwin.TTkkIIssEEmmbbeeddddeedd returns a non-zero value if tkwin is is not a free-stand-
ing window, but rather is embedded in some other application.TTkkIIssMMaappppeedd returns a non-zero value if tkwin is mapped and zero if
tkwin isn't mapped.TTkkIIssTTooppLLeevveell returns a non-zero value if tkwin is a top-level window
(its X parent is the root window of the screen) and zero if tkwin isn'ta top-level window.
TTkkRReeqqWWiiddtthh and TTkkRReeqqHHeeiigghhtt return information about the window'srequested size. These values correspond to the last call to TTkkGGeeoommee-
ttrryyRReeqquueesstt for tkwin.TTkkMMiinnRReeqqWWiiddtthh and TTkkMMiinnRReeqqHHeeiigghhtt return information about the win-
dow's minimum requested size. These values correspond to the last call to TTkkSSeettMMiinniimmuummRReeqquueessttSSiizzee for tkwin. TTkkIInntteerrnnaallBBoorrddeerrLLeefftt, TTkkIInntteerrnnaallBBoorrddeerrRRiigghhtt, TTkkIInntteerrnnaallBBoorrddeerrTToopp and TTkkIInntteerrnnaallBBoorrddeerrBBoottttoomm return the width of one side of the internal border that has been requested for tkwin, or 0 if no internal border was requested. The return value is simply the last value passed to TTkkSSeettIInntteerrnnaallBBoorrddeerr or TTkkSSeettIInntteerrnnaallBBoorrddeerrEExx for tkwin. TTkkVViissuuaall, TTkkDDeepptthh, and TTkkCCoolloorrmmaapp return information about the visual characteristics of a window. TTkkVViissuuaall returns the visual type for the window, TTkkDDeepptthh returns the number of bits per pixel, and TTkkCCoolloorrmmaapp returns the current colormap for the window. The visual characteristics are normally set from the defaults for the window's screen, but they may be overridden by calling TTkkSSeettWWiinnddoowwVViissuuaall. KKEEYYWWOORRDDSSattributes, colormap, depth, display, height, geometry manager, identi-
fier, mapped, requested size, screen, top-level, visual, width, window,
x, y Tk 8.4 TkWindowId(3)