TkClipboardClear, TkClipboardAppend - Manage the clipboard
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int TTkkCClliippbbooaarrddCClleeaarr(interp, tkwin) int TTkkCClliippbbooaarrddAAppppeenndd(interp, tkwin, target, format, buffer) AARRGGUUMMEENNTTSS TclInterp *interp (in) Interpreter to use for reporting errors.> TkWindow tkwin (in) Window that determines which dis-
play's clipboard to manipulate.Atom target (in) Conversion type for this clip-
board item; has same meaning astarget argument to TTkkCCrreeaatteeSSeell-
HHaannddlleerr. Atom format (in) Representation to use when data is retrieved; has same meaningas format argument to TTkkCCrreeaattee-
SSeellHHaannddlleerr. char *buffer (in) Null terminated string containing the data to be appended to the clipboard.DESCRIPTION
These two procedures manage the clipboard for Tk. The clipboard is typically managed by calling TTkkCClliippbbooaarrddCClleeaarr once, then calling TTkkCClliippbbooaarrddAAppppeenndd to add data for any number of targets. TTkkCClliippbbooaarrddCClleeaarr claims the CLIPBOARD selection and frees any dataitems previously stored on the clipboard in this application. It nor-
mally returns TCLOK, but if an error occurs it returns TCLERROR and
leaves an error message in interp->result. TTkkCClliippbbooaarrddCClleeaarr must be
called before a sequence of TTkkCClliippbbooaarrddAAppppeenndd calls can be issued. TTkkCClliippbbooaarrddAAppppeenndd appends a buffer of data to the clipboard. The first buffer for a given target determines the format for that target. Any successive appends for that target must have the same format or an error will be returned. TTkkCClliippbbooaarrddAAppppeenndd returns TCLOK if the buffer is successfully copied onto the clipboard. If the clipboard isnot currently owned by the application, either because TTkkCClliippbbooaarrdd-
CClleeaarr has not been called or because ownership of the clipboard has changed since the last call to TTkkCClliippbbooaarrddCClleeaarr, TTkkCClliippbbooaarrddAAppppeennddreturns TCLERROR and leaves an error message in interp->result.
In order to guarantee atomicity, no event handling should occur between TTkkCClliippbbooaarrddCClleeaarr and the following TTkkCClliippbbooaarrddAAppppeenndd calls (otherwisesomeone could retrieve a partially completed clipboard or claim owner-
ship away from this application). TTkkCClliippbbooaarrddCClleeaarr may invoke callbacks, including arbitrary Tcl scripts, as a result of losing the CLIPBOARD selection, so any callingfunction should take care to be reentrant at the point TTkkCClliippbbooaarrdd-
CClleeaarr is invoked. KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS append, clipboard, clear, format, type Tk 4.0 TkClipboardClear(3)