Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Tcl_UniCharToUpper

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Tcl_UniCharToUpper

TclUtfToUpper(3) Tcl Library Procedures TclUtfToUpper(3)


TclUniCharToUpper, TclUniCharToLower, TclUniCharToTitle,

TclUtfToUpper, TclUtfToLower, TclUtfToTitle - routines for manipu-

lating the case of Unicode characters and UTF-8 strings.


##iinncclluuddee <>

TclUniChar TTccllUUnniiCChhaarrTTooUUppppeerr(ch) TclUniChar TTccllUUnniiCChhaarrTTooLLoowweerr(ch) TclUniChar TTccllUUnniiCChhaarrTTooTTiittllee(ch) int TTccllUUttffTTooUUppppeerr(str) int TTccllUUttffTTooLLoowweerr(str) int TTccllUUttffTTooTTiittllee(str) AARRGGUUMMEENNTTSS int ch (in) The TclUniChar to be converted.

char *str (in/out) Pointer to UTF-8 string to be converted in



The first three routines convert the case of individual Unicode charac-


If ch represents a lower-case character, TTccllUUnniiCChhaarrTTooUUppppeerr returns the

corresponding upper-case character. If no upper-case character is

defined, it returns the character unchanged.

If ch represents an upper-case character, TTccllUUnniiCChhaarrTTooLLoowweerr returns

the corresponding lower-case character. If no lower-case character is

defined, it returns the character unchanged.

If ch represents a lower-case character, TTccllUUnniiCChhaarrTTooTTiittllee returns the

corresponding title-case character. If no title-case character is

defined, it returns the corresponding upper-case character. If no

upper-case character is defined, it returns the character unchanged.

Title-case is defined for a small number of characters that have a dif-

ferent appearance when they are at the beginning of a capitalized word.

The next three routines convert the case of UTF-8 strings in place in


TTccllUUttffTTooUUppppeerr changes every UTF-8 character in str to upper-case.

Because changing the case of a character may change its size, the byte offset of each character in the resulting string may differ from its original location. TTccllUUttffTTooUUppppeerr writes a null byte at the end of the converted string. TTccllUUttffTTooUUppppeerr returns the new length of the string

in bytes. This new length is guaranteed to be no longer than the orig-

inal string length.

TTccllUUttffTTooLLoowweerr is the same as TTccllUUttffTTooUUppppeerr except it turns each char-

acter in the string into its lower-case equivalent.

TTccllUUttffTTooTTiittllee is the same as TTccllUUttffTTooUUppppeerr except it turns the first

character in the string into its title-case equivalent and all follow-

ing characters into their lower-case equivalents.


At this time, the case conversions are only defined for the ISO8859-1

characters. Unicode characters above 0x00ff are not modified by these routines. KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS utf, unicode, toupper, tolower, totitle, case Tcl 8.1 TclUtfToUpper(3)

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