TclPkgRequire, TclPkgRequireEx, TclPkgPresent, TclPkgPresentEx,TclPkgProvide, TclPkgProvideEx - package version control
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CONST char * TTccllPPkkggRReeqquuiirree(interp, name, version, exact) CONST char * TTccllPPkkggRReeqquuiirreeEExx(interp, name, version, exact, clientDataPtr) CONST char * TTccllPPkkggPPrreesseenntt(interp, name, version, exact) CONST char * TTccllPPkkggPPrreesseennttEExx(interp, name, version, exact, clientDataPtr) int TTccllPPkkggPPrroovviiddee(interp, name, version) int TTccllPPkkggPPrroovviiddeeEExx(interp, name, version, clientData) AARRGGUUMMEENNTTSS TclInterp *interp (in) Interpreter where package is needed or available. CONST char *name (in) Name of package. CONST char *version (in) A version string consisting of> one or more decimal numbers sep-
arated by exact (in) Non-zero means that only the
particular version specified by version is acceptable. Zero means that newer versions than version are also acceptable as long as they have the same major version number as version. ClientData clientData (in) Arbitrary value to be associated with the package. ClientData *clientDataPtr (out) Pointer to place to store thevalue associated with the match-
ing package. It is only changed if the pointer is not NULL andthe function completed success-
These procedures provide C-level interfaces to Tcl's package and ver-
sion management facilities.TTccllPPkkggRReeqquuiirree is equivalent to the ppaacckkaaggee rreeqquuiirree command, TTccllPPkkggPP-
rreesseenntt is equivalent to the ppaacckkaaggee pprreesseenntt command, and TTccllPPkkggPPrroovviiddee is equivalent to the ppaacckkaaggee pprroovviiddee command. See the documentation for the Tcl commands for details on what these procedures do. If TTccllPPkkggPPrreesseenntt or TTccllPPkkggRReeqquuiirree complete successfully they return a pointer to the version string for the version of the package that is provided in the interpreter (which may be different than version); if an error occurs they return NULL and leave an error message in the interpreter's result. TTccllPPkkggPPrroovviiddee returns TCLOK if it completes successfully; if an erroroccurs it returns TCLERROR and leaves an error message in the inter-
preter's result.TTccllPPkkggPPrroovviiddeeEExx, TTccllPPkkggPPrreesseennttEExx and TTccllPPkkggRReeqquuiirreeEExx allow the set-
ting and retrieving of the client data associated with the package. In all other respects they are equivalent to the matching functions. KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS package, present, provide, require, version Tcl 7.5 TclPkgRequire(3)