Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Tcl_InitMemory

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Tcl_InitMemory

TclDumpActiveMemory(3) Tcl Library Procedures TclDumpActiveMemory(3)


TclDumpActiveMemory, TclInitMemory, TclValidateAllMemory - Validated

memory allocation interface.


##iinncclluuddee <>

int TTccllDDuummppAAccttiivveeMMeemmoorryy(fileName) void TTccllIInniittMMeemmoorryy(interp) void TTccllVVaalliiddaatteeAAllllMMeemmoorryy(fileName, line) AARRGGUUMMEENNTTSS TclInterp *interp (in) Tcl interpreter in which to add commands. CONST char *fileName (in) For TTccllDDuummppAAccttiivveeMMeemmoorryy, name of the file to which memory information will be

written. For TTccllVVaallii-

ddaatteeAAllllMMeemmoorryy, name of the file from which the call is being made (normally FFIILLEE). int line (in) Line number at which the call to TTccllVVaalliiddaatteeAAllllMMeemmoorryy is made (normally LLIINNEE).


These functions provide access to Tcl memory debugging information. They are only functional when Tcl has been compiled with TTCCLLMMEEMMDDEEBBUUGG

defined at compile-time. When TTCCLLMMEEMMDDEEBBUUGG is not defined, these

functions are all no-ops.

TTccllDDuummppAAccttiivveeMMeemmoorryy will output a list of all currently allocated mem-

ory to the specified file. The information output for each allocated block of memory is: starting and ending addresses (excluding guard zone), size, source file where cckkaalllloocc was called to allocate the block and line number in that file. It is especially useful to call TTccllDDuummppAAccttiivveeMMeemmoorryy after the Tcl interpreter has been deleted. TTccllIInniittMMeemmoorryy adds the Tcl mmeemmoorryy command to the interpreter given by interp. TTccllIInniittMMeemmoorryy is called by TTccllMMaaiinn. TTccllVVaalliiddaatteeAAllllMMeemmoorryy forces a validation of the guard zones of all currently allocated blocks of memory. Normally validation of a block occurs when its freed, unless full validation is enabled, in which case validation of all blocks occurs when cckkaalllloocc and cckkffrreeee are called. This function forces the validation to occur at any point.


TCLMEMDEBUG, memory KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS memory, debug Tcl 8.1 TclDumpActiveMemory(3)

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