TclGetTime - get date and time
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TTccllGGeettTTiimmee( timePtr ) AARRGGUUMMEENNTTSS TclTime * timePtr (out) Points to memory in which to store the date and time information.> DESCRIPTION
The TTccllGGeettTTiimmee function retrieves the current time as a TclTimestructure in memory the caller provides. This structure has the fol-
lowing definition: typedef struct TclTime { long sec; long usec; } TclTime; On return, the sec member of the structure is filled in with the number of seconds that have elapsed since the epoch: the epoch is the point in time of 00:00 UTC, 1 January 1970. This number does not count leapseconds - an interval of one day advances it by 86400 seconds regard-
less of whether a leap second has been inserted. The usec member of the structure is filled in with the number of microseconds that have elapsed since the start of the second designatedby sec. The Tcl library makes every effort to keep this number as pre-
cise as possible, subject to the limitations of the computer system. On multiprocessor variants of Windows, this number may be limited tothe 10- or 20-ms granularity of the system clock. (On single-processor
Windows systems, the usec field is derived from a performance counter and is highly precise.)SEE ALSO
clock KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS date, time Tcl 8.4 TclGetTime(3)