TclExprLong, TclExprDouble, TclExprBoolean, TclExprString - evalu-
ate an expressionSYNOPSIS
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int TTccllEExxpprrLLoonngg(interp, string, longPtr) int TTccllEExxpprrDDoouubbllee(interp, string, doublePtr) int TTccllEExxpprrBBoooolleeaann(interp, string, booleanPtr) int TTccllEExxpprrSSttrriinngg(interp, string) AARRGGUUMMEENNTTSS TclInterp *interp (in) Interpreter in whose context to evaluate string or objPtr. | CONST | char *string (in) | | Expression to be evaluated. long *longPtr (out) Pointer to location in which to store the integer value of the expression. int *doublePtr (out) Pointer to location in which to> store the floating-point value of
the expression. int *booleanPtr (out) Pointer to location in which to store the 0/1 boolean value of the expression.DESCRIPTION
These four procedures all evaluate the expression given by the string argument and return the result in one of four different forms. The expression can have any of the forms accepted by the eexxpprr command.Note that these procedures have been largely replaced by the object-
based procedures TTccllEExxpprrLLoonnggOObbjj, TTccllEExxpprrDDoouubblleeOObbjj, TTccllEExxpprr-
BBoooolleeaannOObbjj, and TTccllEExxpprrOObbjj. Those object-based procedures evaluate an
expression held in a Tcl object instead of a string. The object argu-
ment can retain an internal representation that is more efficient to execute. The interp argument refers to an interpreter used to evaluate the expression (e.g. for variables and nested Tcl commands) and to return error information. For all of these procedures the return value is a standard Tcl result: TTCCLLOOKK means the expression was successfully evaluated, and TTCCLLEERRRROORR means that an error occurred while evaluating the expression. If TTCCLLEERRRROORR is returned then the interpreter's result will hold a message describing the error. If an error occurs while executing a Tcl command embedded in the expression then that error will be returned. If the expression is successfully evaluated, then its value is returned in one of four forms, depending on which procedure is invoked. TTccllEExxpprrLLoonngg stores an integer value at *longPtr. If the expression'sactual value is a floating-point number, then it is truncated to an
integer. If the expression's actual value is a non-numeric string then
an error is returned.TTccllEExxpprrDDoouubbllee stores a floating-point value at *doublePtr. If the
expression's actual value is an integer, it is converted to floating-
point. If the expression's actual value is a non-numeric string then
an error is returned. TTccllEExxpprrBBoooolleeaann stores a 0/1 integer value at *booleanPtr. If theexpression's actual value is an integer or floating-point number, then
they store 0 at *booleanPtr if the value was zero and 1 otherwise. Ifthe expression's actual value is a non-numeric string then it must be
one of the values accepted by TTccllGGeettBBoooolleeaann such as ``yes'' or ``no'', or else an error occurs. TTccllEExxpprrSSttrriinngg returns the value of the expression as a string stored in the interpreter's result. If the expression's actual value is an integer then TTccllEExxpprrSSttrriinngg converts it to a string using sspprriinnttff witha ``%d'' converter. If the expression's actual value is a floating-
point number, then TTccllEExxpprrSSttrriinngg calls TTccllPPrriinnttDDoouubbllee to convert it to a string.SEE ALSO
TclExprLongObj, TclExprDoubleObj, TclExprBooleanObj, TclExprObj KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS boolean, double, evaluate, expression, integer, object, string Tcl 7.0 TclExprLong(3)