Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Tcl_DeleteFileHandler

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Tcl_DeleteFileHandler

TclCreateFileHandler(3) Tcl Library Procedures TclCreateFileHandler(3)


TclCreateFileHandler, TclDeleteFileHandler - associate procedure

callbacks with files or devices (Unix only)


##iinncclluuddee <>

TTccllCCrreeaatteeFFiilleeHHaannddlleerr(fd, mask, proc, clientData) | TTccllDDeelleetteeFFiilleeHHaannddlleerr(fd) | AARRGGUUMMEENNTTSS int fd (in) || Unix file descriptor for an open | file or device. int mask (in) Conditions under which proc

should be called: OR-ed combina-

tion of TTCCLLRREEAADDAABBLLEE, TTCCLLWWRRIITTAABBLLEE, and TTCCLLEEXXCCEEPPTTIIOONN. May be set to 0 to temporarily disable a handler. TclFileProc *proc (in) Procedure to invoke whenever the file or device indicated by file meets the conditions specified by mask.

ClientData clientData (in) Arbitrary one-word value to pass

to proc.


TTccllCCrreeaatteeFFiilleeHHaannddlleerr arranges for proc to be invoked in the future | whenever I/O becomes possible on a file or an exceptional condition | exists for the file. The file is indicated by fd, and the conditions |

of interest are indicated by mask. For example, if mask is TTCCLLRREEAADD-

AABBLLEE, proc will be called when the file is readable. The callback to proc is made by TTccllDDooOOnneeEEvveenntt, so TTccllCCrreeaatteeFFiilleeHHaannddlleerr is only useful in programs that dispatch events through TTccllDDooOOnneeEEvveenntt or through Tcl commands such as vvwwaaiitt. Proc should have arguments and result that match the type TTccllFFiilleePPrroocc: typedef void TclFileProc( ClientData clientData, int mask); The clientData parameter to proc is a copy of the clientData argument

given to TTccllCCrreeaatteeFFiilleeHHaannddlleerr when the callback was created. Typi-

cally, clientData points to a data structure containing application-

specific information about the file. Mask is an integer mask indicat-

ing which of the requested conditions actually exists for the file; it

will contain a subset of the bits in the mask argument to TTccllCCrreeaattee-

FFiilleeHHaannddlleerr. There may exist only one handler for a given file at a given time. If TTccllCCrreeaatteeFFiilleeHHaannddlleerr is called when a handler already exists for fd, then the new callback replaces the information that was previously recorded. TTccllDDeelleetteeFFiilleeHHaannddlleerr may be called to delete the file handler for fd; if no handler exists for the file given by fd then the procedure has no effect. The purpose of file handlers is to enable an application to respond to events while waiting for files to become ready for I/O. For this to

work correctly, the application may need to use non-blocking I/O opera-

tions on the files for which handlers are declared. Otherwise the

application may block if it reads or writes too much data; while wait-

ing for the I/O to complete the application won't be able to service

te eet. s TclSetChannelOption wt -blocking o e te hn

nel into blocking or nonblocking mode as required.

Note that these interfaces are only supported by the Unix implementa- |

tion of the Tcl notifier. KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS callback, file, handler Tcl 8.0 TclCreateFileHandler(3)

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