Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Tcl_AllowExceptions

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Tcl_AllowExceptions

TclAllowExceptions(3) Tcl Library Procedures TclAllowExceptions(3)


TclAllowExceptions - allow all exceptions in next script evaluation


##iinncclluuddee <>

TTccllAAlllloowwEExxcceeppttiioonnss(interp) AARRGGUUMMEENNTTSS TclInterp *interp (in) Interpreter in which script will be evaluated.


If a script is evaluated at top-level (i.e. no other scripts are pend-

ing evaluation when the script is invoked), and if the script termi-

nates with a completion code other than TCLOK, TCLERROR or

TCLRETURN, then Tcl normally converts this into a TCLERROR return

with an appropriate message. The particular script evaluation proce-

dures of Tcl that act in the manner are TTccllEEvvaallOObbjjEExx, TTccllEEvvaallOObbjjvv, TTccllEEvvaall, TTccllEEvvaallEExx, TTccllGGlloobbaallEEvvaall, TTccllGGlloobbaallEEvvaallOObbjj, TTccllVVaarrEEvvaall and TTccllVVaarrEEvvaallVVAA. However, if TTccllAAlllloowwEExxcceeppttiioonnss is invoked immediately before calling

one of those a procedures, then arbitrary completion codes are permit-

ted from the script, and they are returned without modification. This is useful in cases where the caller can deal with exceptions such as TCLBREAK or TCLCONTINUE in a meaningful way. KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS continue, break, exception, interpreter Tcl 7.4 TclAllowExceptions(3)

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