SVN::Repos - Subversion repository functions
require SVN::Core;require SVN::Repos;
require SVN::Fs;my $repos = SVN::Repos::open ('/path/to/repos');
print $repos->fs->youngestrev;
SVN::Repos wraps the functions in svnrepos.h. The actual namespace for
repos object is psvnrepost. CCOONNSSTTRRUUCCTTOORRSSopen ($path)
create ($path, undef, undef, $config, $fsconfig)
MMEETTHHOODDSS Please consult the svnrepos.h section in the Subversion API. Functions taking svnrepost * as the first inbound argument could be used as methods of the object returned by open or create. AUTHORSChia-liang Kao
COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2003 CollabNet. All rights reserved. This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms are alsoavailable at If newer
versions of this license are posted there, you may use a newer version instead, at your option. This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision history and logs, available at v5.8.8 2005-03-30 native::Repos(3)