SVN::Delta - Subversion delta functions
require SVN::Core; require SVN::Repos;require SVN::Delta;
# driving an editor
my $editor = SVN::Delta::Editor->
new(SVN::Repos::getcommiteditor($repos, "file://$repospath",
'/', 'root', 'FOO', \&committed));my $rootbaton = $editor->openroot(0);
my $fbaton = $editor->addfile ('filea', $rootbaton,
undef, -1);
my $ret = $editor->applytextdelta ($fbaton, undef);
SVN::TxDelta::sendstring("FILEA CONTENT", @$ret);
# implement an editor in perl
SVN::Repos::dirdelta($root1, $path, undef,
$root2, $path,
SVN::Delta wraps delta related function in subversion. The most
important one is SVN::Delta::Editor, the interface for describing tree
deltas. by default SVN::Delta::Editor relays method calls to its
internal member "editor", which could either be an editor in C (such as the one you get from getcommiteditor), or anotherSVN::Delta::Editor object.
SSVVNN::::DDeellttaa::::EEddiittoorr DDrriivviinngg EEddiittoorrss If you want to drive a native editor (such as commiteditor obtained bySVN::Repos::getcommiteditor), create a SVN::Delta::Editor object with
the native editor/baton pair. The object will then be ready to use and its method calls will be relayed to the native editor. IImmpplleemmeennttiinngg EEddiittoorrssIf you want to implement an editor, subclass SVN::Delta::Editor and
implement the editors callbacks. see the METHODS section below.CCOONNSSTTRRUUCCTTOORR - nneeww ((......))
new ($editor, $editorbaton)
Link to the native editor You can also pass a hash array to new: debug Turn on debug. editorAn arrayref of the editor/baton pair or another SVN::Delta::Editor
object to link with. MMEETTHHOODDSS Please consult the svndelta.h section in the Subversion API. Member functions of svndeltaeditort could be called as methods ofSVN::Delta::Editor objects, with the editbaton omitted. The pool is
also optional. If you are subclassing, the methods take exactly the same arguments as the member functions (note that void ** are returned data though as throughout the perl bindings), with the editbaton omitted.BUGS
Functions returning editor/baton pair should really be typemapped to aSVN::Delta::Editor object.
AUTHORSChia-liang Kao
COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2003 CollabNet. All rights reserved. This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms are alsoavailable at If newer
versions of this license are posted there, you may use a newer version instead, at your option. This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision history and logs, available at v5.8.8 2005-10-24 native::Delta(3)