SVK::Path - SVK path class
The class represents a node in svk depot. rroooott Returns the root representing the file system of the revision at the aanncchhoorr. Give optional pool (null to use default), otherwise use the internal root of the path object. Be careful if you are using the root object but not keeping the path object. ssaammeerreeppooss Returns true if all @other targets are from the same repository ssaammeessoouurrccee Returns true if all @other targets are mirrored from the same source iissmmiirrrroorreedd Returns the mirror object if the path is mirrored. Returns additional path component if used in array context. nnoorrmmaalliizzee Normalize the revision to the last changed one. aassddeeppoottppaatthhMakes target depotpath. Takes $revision number optionally.
ppaatthh Returns the full path of the target even if anchorified. ddeesscceennddMakes target descend into $entry
uunniivveerrssaall Returns corresponding SVK::Target::Universal object. ddeeppoottppaatthh Returns depotpath of the target ccooppyyaanncceessttoorrss Returns a list of "(path, rev)" pairs, which are ancestors of the current node. nneeaarreessttccooppyy((rroooott,, ppaatthh,, [[ppooooll]])) given a root object (or a target) and a path, returns the revision root where it's ancestor is from another path, and ancestor's root and path. rreellaatteeddttooCheck if $self is related to another target.
ccooppiieeddffrroomm (($$wwaannttmmiirrrroorr))
Return the nearest copy target that still exists. If $wantmirror is
true, only return one that was mirrored from somewhere.$$sseellff->>sseeeekkttoo(($$rreevviissiioonn))
Return the "SVK::Path" object that $self is at $revision. Note that we
don't have forward tracing, so if <$revision is greater than
"$self-"revision>, a "SVK::Path" at <$revision> will be returned. In
other words, assuming "foo@N" for "-r N foo@M" when N > M.
aassuurrll(($$llooccaalloonnllyy,, [[ $$ppaatthh, $rev ])
Returns (url, revision) pair.SEE ALSO
perl v5.8.8 2007-03-14 SVK::Path(3)