SVK::Merge - Merge context class
use SVK::Merge;
SVK::Merge->auto (repos => $repos, src => $src, dst => $dst)->run ($editor, %cb);
The "SVK::Merge" class is for representing merge contexts, mainly
including what delta is used for this merge, and what target the delta applies to. Given the 3 SVK::Path objects: src dst base"SVK::Merge" will be applying delta ("base", "src") to "dst".
CCOONNSSTTRRUUCCTTOORRSS nneeww Takes parameters the usual way. aauuttoo Like new, but the "base" object will be found automatically as the nearest ancestor of "src" and "dst". MMEETTHHOODDSS info Return a string about how the merge is done. run Given the storage editor and SVK::Editor::Merge callbacks, apply the merge to the storage editor. Returns the number of conflicts. TTOODDOO Document the merge and ticket tracking mechanism.SEE ALSO
SVK::Editor::Merge, SVK::Command::Merge, Star-merge from GNU Arch
perl v5.8.8 2007-03-14 SVK::Merge(3)