SVK::Log::FilterPipeline - a pipeline of log filter objects
An SVK::Log::FilterPipeline represents a particular collection of log
filter objects each of which needs to be called in turn. MMEETTHHOODDSS nneewwConstruct a new SVK::Log::FilterPipeline object by constructing the
specific filters that will handle the details and preparing for the first revision. bbuuiillddffiilltteerroobbjjeecctt Given the name of a filter, try and construct an appropriate filter object. Search @INC for modules that match the name given. If no appropriate classes are available, we die with an appropriate warning. This method creates an object for the filter by calling its new() method ffiilltteerr SVK::Command::Log calls this routine when it wants to display (or process) a revision. The method then dispatches the information to the methods of the necessary filter objects in the pipeline to perform the real work. ffiinniisshheedd Tell all the filters that their jobs are done by calling "footer" and "teardown" on each one. ggeettppiippeelliinneeccoommmmaanndd Examine an exception to determine if it's a pipeline control exception. If it is, return the desired pipeline command. If it's not, rethrow the exception. If no exception is provided, the command 'continue' is returned. pprreesseennttrreevviissiioonn Display a single revision by passing it to the pipeline's presentation filter. rruunnppiippeelliinnee Send a revision down the pipeline. Provide revision information to the revision() method of each filter in the pipeline until one of them says to stop. Then return the pipeline command. sseettuupppprreesseennttaattiioonn Handle initial set up for the presentation filter. This should only becalled once during an SVK::Log::FilterPipeline's lifetime.
sseettuuppsseelleeccttiioonn Handle initial set up for the selection filter pipeline. This shouldonly be called once during "SVK::Log::FilterPipeline"'s lifetime.
sspplliittffiilltteerr Split a string into a filter name and an arbitrary argument string. sspplliittsseelleeccttoorrss Split the description of the selection filter pipeline into individual filter names and their arguments. Each filter is separated by a '|' character. Literal pipe characters are included with '\|'.perl v5.8.8 2007-01-05 SVK::Log::FilterPipeline(3)