SVK::Log::Filter::Std - display log messages in standard SVK format
> svk log-----------------------------------
r1234 (orig r456): author | 2006-05-15 09:28:52 -0600
This is the commit message for the revision.-----------------------------------
> svk log -output std
The Std filter is the standard output filter for displaying log messages. The log format is designed to be similar to the output of Subversion's log command. Two arguments to the log command modify the standard output format. qquuiieettProviding this command-line option to the log command prevents the
contents of the log message from being displayed. All other information is displayed as usual. vveerrbboosseeProviding this command-line option to the log command displays history
information for each revision. The history includes the kind of modification (modify, add, delete) and any copy history for each path that was modified in the revision. SSTTAASSHH//PPRROOPPEERRTTYY MMOODDIIFFIICCAATTIIOONNSS Std leaves all properties and the stash intact.perl v5.8.8 2006-12-28 SVK::Log::Filter::Std(3)