SVK::Editor::Merge - An editor that does merges for the storage editor
$editor = SVK::Editor::Merge->new
( anchor => $anchor,
baseanchor => $baseanchor,
baseroot => $fs->revisionroot ($arg{fromrev}),
target => $target,
storage => $storageeditor,
Given the base root and callbacks for local tree, SVK::Editor::Merge
forwards the incoming editor calls to the storage editor for modifying the local tree, and merges the tree delta and text delta transparently. PPAARRAAMMEETTEERRSS ooppttiioonnss ffoorr bbaassee aanndd ttaarrggeett ttrreeee anchor The anchor of the target tree. target The target path component of the target tree. baseanchor The anchor of the base tree. baseroot The root object of the base tree. storage The editor that will receive the merged callbacks. allowconflicts Close the edito instead of abort when there are conflicts. opennonexist open the directory even if cbexist failed. This is for use in conjunction with SVK::Editor::Rename for the case that a descendent exists but its parent does not. inspector The inspector reflecting the target of the merge. ccaallllbbaacckkss ffoorr llooccaall ttrreeee Since the merger needs to have information about the local tree, some callbacks must be supplied. cbrev Check the revision of the given path. cbconflict Called when a conflict is detected. cbpropmerged Called when properties are merged without changes, that is, the "g" status. cbmerged Called right before closing the top directory with storage editor, root baton, and pool. cbclosed Called after each file close call.BUGS
Tree merge still very primitive, have to handle lots of casesperl v5.8.8 2007-03-14 SVK::Editor::Merge(3)