SSLlibraryinit, OpenSSLaddsslalgorithms, SSLeayaddsslalgorithms- initialize SSL library by registering algorithms
int SSLlibraryinit(void);#define OpenSSLaddsslalgorithms() SSLlibraryinit()
#define SSLeayaddsslalgorithms() SSLlibraryinit()
SSLlibraryinit() registers the available ciphers and digests. OpenSSLaddsslalgorithms() and SSLeayaddsslalgorithms() are synonyms for SSLlibraryinit(). NNOOTTEESS SSLlibraryinit() must be called before any other action takes place. WWAARRNNIINNGG SSLlibraryinit() only registers ciphers. Another important initialization is the seeding of the PRNG (Pseudo Random Number Generator), which has to be performed separately. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS A typical TLS/SSL application will start with the library initialization, will provide readable error messages and will seed the PRNG. SSLloaderrorstrings(); /* readable error messages */ SSLlibraryinit(); /* initialize library */ actionstoseedPRNG();RETURN VALUES
SSLlibraryinit() always returns "1", so it is safe to discard the return value.SEE ALSO
ssl(3), SSLloaderrorstrings(3), RANDadd(3)0.9.7l 2000-09-21 SSLlibraryinit(3)