Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man SSL_SESSION_get_timeout

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man SSL_SESSION_get_timeout

SSLSESSIONgettime(3) OpenSSL SSLSESSIONgettime(3)



SSLSESSIONgettimeout - retrieve and manipulate session time and

timeout settings



long SSLSESSIONgettime(const SSLSESSION *s); long SSLSESSIONsettime(SSLSESSION *s, long tm); long SSLSESSIONgettimeout(const SSLSESSION *s); long SSLSESSIONsettimeout(SSLSESSION *s, long tm); long SSLgettime(const SSLSESSION *s); long SSLsettime(SSLSESSION *s, long tm); long SSLgettimeout(const SSLSESSION *s); long SSLsettimeout(SSLSESSION *s, long tm);


SSLSESSIONgettime() returns the time at which the session ss was established. The time is given in seconds since the Epoch and therefore compatible to the time delivered by the time() call. SSLSESSIONsettime() replaces the creation time of the session ss with the chosen value ttmm. SSLSESSIONgettimeout() returns the timeout value set for session ss in seconds. SSLSESSIONsettimeout() sets the timeout value for session ss in seconds to ttmm. The SSLgettime(), SSLsettime(), SSLgettimeout(), and SSLsettimeout() functions are synonyms for the SSLSESSION*() counterparts. NNOOTTEESS Sessions are expired by examining the creation time and the timeout value. Both are set at creation time of the session to the actual time and the default timeout value at creation, respectively, as set by SSLCTXsettimeout(3). Using these functions it is possible to extend or shorten the lifetime of the session.


SSLSESSIONgettime() and SSLSESSIONgettimeout() return the currently valid values. SSLSESSIONsettime() and SSLSESSIONsettimeout() return 1 on success. If any of the function is passed the NULL pointer for the session ss, 0 is returned.


ssl(3), SSLCTXsettimeout(3), SSLgetdefaulttimeout(3)

0.9.7l 2005-03-30 SSLSESSIONgettime(3)

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