Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man SSL_CTX_sess_connect

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man SSL_CTX_sess_connect

SSLCTXsessnumber(3) OpenSSL SSLCTXsessnumber(3)


SSLCTXsessnumber, SSLCTXsessconnect, SSLCTXsessconnectgood, SSLCTXsessconnectrenegotiate, SSLCTXsessaccept, SSLCTXsessacceptgood, SSLCTXsessacceptrenegotiate, SSLCTXsesshits, SSLCTXsesscbhits, SSLCTXsessmisses,

SSLCTXsesstimeouts, SSLCTXsesscachefull - obtain session cache




long SSLCTXsessnumber(SSLCTX *ctx); long SSLCTXsessconnect(SSLCTX *ctx); long SSLCTXsessconnectgood(SSLCTX *ctx); long SSLCTXsessconnectrenegotiate(SSLCTX *ctx); long SSLCTXsessaccept(SSLCTX *ctx); long SSLCTXsessacceptgood(SSLCTX *ctx); long SSLCTXsessacceptrenegotiate(SSLCTX *ctx); long SSLCTXsesshits(SSLCTX *ctx); long SSLCTXsesscbhits(SSLCTX *ctx); long SSLCTXsessmisses(SSLCTX *ctx); long SSLCTXsesstimeouts(SSLCTX *ctx); long SSLCTXsesscachefull(SSLCTX *ctx);


SSLCTXsessnumber() returns the current number of sessions in the internal session cache. SSLCTXsessconnect() returns the number of started SSL/TLS handshakes in client mode. SSLCTXsessconnectgood() returns the number of successfully established SSL/TLS sessions in client mode. SSLCTXsessconnectrenegotiate() returns the number of start renegotiations in client mode. SSLCTXsessaccept() returns the number of started SSL/TLS handshakes in server mode. SSLCTXsessacceptgood() returns the number of successfully established SSL/TLS sessions in server mode. SSLCTXsessacceptrenegotiate() returns the number of start renegotiations in server mode. SSLCTXsesshits() returns the number of successfully reused sessions. In client mode a session set with SSLsetsession(3) successfully reused is counted as a hit. In server mode a session successfully retrieved from internal or external cache is counted as a hit. SSLCTXsesscbhits() returns the number of successfully retrieved sessions from the external session cache in server mode. SSLCTXsessmisses() returns the number of sessions proposed by clients that were not found in the internal session cache in server mode. SSLCTXsesstimeouts() returns the number of sessions proposed by clients and either found in the internal or external session cache in server mode, but that were invalid due to timeout. These sessions are not included in the SSLCTXsesshits() count. SSLCTXsesscachefull() returns the number of sessions that were removed because the maximum session cache size was exceeded.


The functions return the values indicated in the DESCRIPTION section.


ssl(3), SSLsetsession(3), SSLCTXsetsessioncachemode(3) SSLCTXsesssetcachesize(3)

0.9.7l 2001-02-15 SSLCTXsessnumber(3)

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