SSLCTXsetclientCAlist, SSLsetclientCAlist,SSLCTXaddclientCA, SSLaddclientCA - set list of CAs sent to the
client when requesting a client certificateSYNOPSIS
void SSLCTXsetclientCAlist(SSLCTX *ctx, STACKOF(X509NAME) *list);
void SSLsetclientCAlist(SSL *s, STACKOF(X509NAME) *list);
int SSLCTXaddclientCA(SSLCTX *ctx, X509 *cacert); int SSLaddclientCA(SSL *ssl, X509 *cacert);DESCRIPTION
SSLCTXsetclientCAlist() sets the lliisstt of CAs sent to the client when requesting a client certificate for ccttxx. SSLsetclientCAlist() sets the lliisstt of CAs sent to the client when requesting a client certificate for the chosen ssssll, overriding the setting valid for ssssll's SSLCTX object. SSLCTXaddclientCA() adds the CA name extracted from ccaacceerrtt to the list of CAs sent to the client when requesting a client certificate for ccttxx. SSLaddclientCA() adds the CA name extracted from ccaacceerrtt to the list of CAs sent to the client when requesting a client certificate for the chosen ssssll, overriding the setting valid for ssssll's SSLCTX object. NNOOTTEESS When a TLS/SSL server requests a client certificate (see SSSSLLCCTTXXsseettvveerriiffyyooppttiioonnss(())), it sends a list of CAs, for which it will accept certificates, to the client. This list must explicitly be set using SSLCTXsetclientCAlist() for ccttxx and SSLsetclientCAlist() for the specific ssssll. The list specified overrides the previous setting. The CAs listed do not become trusted (lliisstt only contains the names, not the complete certificates); use SSLCTXloadverifylocations(3) to additionally load them for verification. If the list of acceptable CAs is compiled in a file, the SSLloadclientCAfile(3) function can be used to help importing the necessary data. SSLCTXaddclientCA() and SSLaddclientCA() can be used to add additional items the list of client CAs. If no list was specified before using SSLCTXsetclientCAlist() or SSLsetclientCAlist(), a new client CA list for ccttxx or ssssll (as appropriate) is opened. These functions are only useful for TLS/SSL servers.RETURN VALUES
SSLCTXsetclientCAlist() and SSLsetclientCAlist() do not return diagnostic information. SSLCTXaddclientCA() and SSLaddclientCA() have the following return values: 1. The operation succeeded.2. A failure while manipulating the STACKOF(X509NAME) object
occurred or the X509NAME could not be extracted from ccaacceerrtt. Check
the error stack to find out the reason. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS Scan all certificates in CCAAffiillee and list them as acceptable CAs: SSLCTXsetclientCAlist(ctx,SSLloadclientCAfile(CAfile));SEE ALSO
ssl(3), SSLgetclientCAlist(3), SSLloadclientCAfile(3), SSLCTXloadverifylocations(3) PPOODD EERRRROORRSS e! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained bbeellooww:: Around line 73: You have '=item 0' instead of the expected '=item 2'0.9.7l 2001-04-12 SSLCTXsetclientCAlist(3)