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PerlIO::via(3pm) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PerlIO::via(3pm)


PerlIO::via - Helper class for PerlIO layers implemented in perl


use PerlIO::via::Layer;


use Some::Other::Package;



The PerlIO::via module allows you to develop PerlIO layers in Perl,

without having to go into the nitty gritty of programming C with XS as the interface to Perl.

One example module, PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint, is included with Perl

5.8.0, and more example modules are available from CPAN, such as Per-

lIO::via::StripHTML and PerlIO::via::Base64. The Per-

lIO::via::StripHTML module for instance, allows you to say:

use PerlIO::via::StripHTML;

open( my $fh, "<:via(StripHTML)", "index.html" );

my @line = <$fh>;

to obtain the text of an HTML-file in an array with all the HTML-tags

automagically removed.

Please note that if the layer is created in the PerlIO::via:: names-

pace, it does nnoott have to be fully qualified. The PerlIO::via module

will prefix the PerlIO::via:: namespace if the specified modulename

does not exist as a fully qualified module name. EEXXPPEECCTTEEDD MMEETTHHOODDSS To create a Perl module that implements a PerlIO layer in Perl (as opposed to in C using XS as the interface to Perl), you need to supply some of the following subroutines. It is recommended to create these

Perl modules in the PerlIO::via:: namespace, so that they can easily be

located on CPAN and use the default namespace feature of the Per-

lIO::via module itself. Please note that this is an area of recent development in Perl and that the interface described here is therefore still subject to change (and hopefully will have better documentation and more examples).

In the method descriptions below $fh will be a reference to a glob

which can be treated as a perl file handle. It refers to the layer

below. $fh is not passed if the layer is at the bottom of the stack,

for this reason and to maintain some level of "compatibility" with TIEHANDLE classes it is passed last.


Should return an object or the class, or -1 on failure. (Compare

TIEHANDLE.) The arguments are an optional mode string ("r", "w", "w+", ...) and a filehandle for the PerlIO layer below. Mandatory. When layer is pushed as part of an "open" call, "PUSHED" will be called before the actual open occurs whether than be via "OPEN", "SYSOPEN", "FDOPEN" or by letting lower layer do the open.


Optional - layer is about to be removed.


Optional - if present it will be called immediately after PUSHED

has returned. It should return true value if the layer expects data

to be UTF-8 encoded. If it returns true result is as if caller had

done ":via(YourClass):utf8" If not present of it it returns false, then stream is left with

flag clear. The $bellowFlag argument will be true if there is a

layer below and that layer was expecting UTF-8.


Optional - if not present lower layer does open. If present called

for normal opens after layer is pushed. This function is subject to change as there is no easy way to get lower layer to do open and then regain control.


Optional - if not available layer is popped on binmode($fh) or when

":raw" is pushed. If present it should return 0 on success -1 on

error and undef to pop the layer.


Optional - if not present lower layer does open. If present called

for opens which pass a numeric file descriptor after layer is pushed. This function is subject to change as there is no easy way to get lower layer to do open and then regain control.


Optional - if not present lower layer does open. If present called

for sysopen style opens which pass a numeric mode and permissions after layer is pushed. This function is subject to change as there

is no easy way to get lower layer to do open and then regain con-



Returns a numeric value for Unix-like file descriptor. Return -1 if

there isn't one. Optional. Default is fileno($fh).


Returns the number of octets placed in $buffer (must be less than

or equal to $len). Optional. Default is to use FILL instead.


Returns the number of octets from buffer that have been success-

fully written.


Should return a string to be placed in the buffer. Optional. If not provided must provide READ or reject handles open for reading in PUSHED.


Should return 0 on success, -1 on error. Optional.


Should return 0 on success, -1 on error. Optional. Default is to

fail, but that is likely to be changed in future.


Returns file postion. Optional. Default to be determined.


Returns the number of octets from buffer that have been success-

fully saved to be returned on future FILL/READ calls. Optional. Default is to push data into a temporary layer above this one.


Flush any buffered write data. May possibly be called on readable

handles too. Should return 0 on success, -1 on error.


Optional. No return.


Optional. No return.


Optional. Returns error state. Default is no error until a mecha-

nism to signal error (die?) is worked out.


Optional. Returns end-of-file state. Default is function of return


Check the PerlIO::via:: namespace on CPAN for examples of PerlIO layers

implemented in Perl. To give you an idea how simple the implementation of a PerlIO layer can look, as simple example is included here.

EExxaammppllee - aa HHeexxaaddeecciimmaall HHaannddllee

Given the following module, PerlIO::via::Hex :

package PerlIO::via::Hex;

sub PUSHED {

my ($class,$mode,$fh) = @;

# When writing we buffer the data

my $buf = '';

return bless \$buf,$class;

} sub FILL {

my ($obj,$fh) = @;

my $line = <$fh>;

return (defined $line) ? pack("H*", $line) : undef;

} sub WRITE {

my ($obj,$buf,$fh) = @;

$$obj .= unpack("H*", $buf);

return length($buf);

} sub FLUSH {

my ($obj,$fh) = @;

print $fh $$obj or return -1;

$$obj = '';

return 0; } 1;

the following code opens up an output handle that will convert any out-

put to hexadecimal dump of the output bytes: for example "A" will be

converted to "41" (on ASCII-based machines, on EBCDIC platforms the "A"

will become "c1")

use PerlIO::via::Hex;

open(my $fh, ">:via(Hex)", "foo.hex");

and the following code will read the hexdump in and convert it on the fly back into bytes:

open(my $fh, "<:via(Hex)", "foo.hex");

perl v5.8.8 2001-09-21 PerlIO::via(3pm)

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