//uussrr//bbiinn//PPPPCCEExxppllaaiinn - Verbose description of PowerPC mnemonics
//uussrr//bbiinn//PPPPCCEExxppllaaiinn is a tool to print the meaning and arguments forPower PC mnemonics. It is useful when reading or writing Power PC assem-
bly code.The mnemonics are from "Programming Environments Manual For 32-Bit Imple-
mentations of the PowerPC Architecture" MPCFPE32B/AD, 12/2001, REV 2.The Power PC opcode to explain. RETURN VALUES
00 success 11 Invalid opcode 22 any other error EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS/Developer/Tools/PPCExplain dcbst dcbst: data cache block store
rA,rB Mac OS X June 3, 2004 Mac OS X