Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man PKCS12_create

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man PKCS12_create

PKCS12create(3) OpenSSL PKCS12create(3)


PKCS12create - create a PKCS#12 structure



PKCS12 *PKCS12create(char *pass, char *name, EVPPKEY *pkey, X509 *cert, STACKOF(X509) *ca, int nidkey, int nidcert, int iter, int maciter, int keytype);


PKCS12create() creates a PKCS#12 structure.

ppaassss is the passphrase to use. nnaammee is the ffrriieennddllyyNNaammee to use for the supplied certifictate and key. ppkkeeyy is the private key to include in the structure and cceerrtt its corresponding certificates. ccaa, if not NNUULLLL is an optional set of certificates to also include in the structure. nniiddkkeeyy and nniiddcceerrtt are the encryption algorithms that should be used for the key and certificate respectively. iitteerr is the encryption algorithm iteration count to use and mmaacciitteerr is the MAC iteration count to use. kkeeyyttyyppee is the type of key. NNOOTTEESS The parameters nniiddkkeeyy, nniiddcceerrtt, iitteerr, mmaacciitteerr and kkeeyyttyyppee can all be set to zero and sensible defaults will be used. These defaults are: 40 bit RC2 encryption for certificates, triple DES encryption for private keys, a key iteration count of PKCS12DEFAULTITER (currently 2048) and a MAC iteration count of 1. The default MAC iteration count is 1 in order to retain compatibility with old software which did not interpret MAC iteration counts. If such compatibility is not required then mmaacciitteerr should be set to PKCS12DEFAULTITER. kkeeyyttyyppee adds a flag to the store private key. This is a non standard extension that is only currently interpreted by MSIE. If set to zero the flag is omitted, if set to KKEEYYSSIIGG the key can be used for signing only, if set to KKEEYYEEXX it can be used for signing and encryption. This option was useful for old export grade software which could use signing only keys of arbitrary size but had restrictions on the permissible sizes of keys which could be used for encryption.


d2iPKCS12(3) HISTORY PKCS12create was added in OpenSSL 0.9.3

0.9.7l 2002-10-09 PKCS12create(3)

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